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Mobile phone and seatbelt detection cameras

These cameras detect and take photos of drivers who are not wearing their seatbelt correctly or use portable devices, like mobile phones.

Latest road safety camera statistics

During 1 July to 30 December 2023, mobile phone and seatbelt detection cameras captured 53,105 offences. This includes 16,499 drivers and 6,375 passengers not wearing seatbelts, and 30,231 drivers using mobile phones.

Mobile phone and seatbelt detection cameras target drivers who use portable devices such as a mobile phones while driving. They also can pick up drivers and front seat passengers not wearing their seatbelt.

Illegally using a mobile phone when driving significantly increases the risk of being involved in a serious crash.

In Victoria, widespread roll-out of automated mobile phone enforcement is predicted to prevent 95 casualty crashes per year.

How the cameras work

Each camera trailer has 2 cameras and an infra-red flash that are enabled with artificial intelligence (AI) software. The cameras take high-resolution images any time of the day or night, and in all traffic and weather conditions.

The AI technology automatically reviews each image.

If it does not see a potential offence, it will reject the image.

If the AI detects a driver who may be using a portable device or not wearing their seatbelt it flags the image for further review.

Images where there might be a potential offence are then checked and verified by qualified independent officers.

Illegally using a mobile phone when driving significantly increases the risk of being involved in a serious crash.

Images captured by the cameras

If you receive an infringement, you can view the images captured at

The images collected are:

  • an image showing the vehicle licence plate
  • 2 images that capture the inside of the vehicle. One is taken at a shallow, forward-facing angle. This is to detect portable device offences such as 'phone to ear' and/or seatbelt offences. The other image is taken at a steep, downwards angle. This is to detect portable device offences including 'resting on body or touching' phone offences and/or seatbelt offences. These images may capture other people too.

These images may show the face of the driver, passengers or other people. The cameras do not use facial recognition technology.

The government values protecting the privacy of drivers and passengers and will continue to work closely with the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner to ensure the cameras operate in compliance with privacy obligations.


Drivers caught infringing by these cameras receive both a fine and demerit points.

Camera locations

A list of the camera locations is published monthly.

Road rules

Read about the relevant laws in Victoria for:

The Victorian Government has invested $33.7 million to support the implementation of the Mobile Phone and Seatbelt Detection Camera technology as a part of the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030
