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Speed and safety

Speed is one of the biggest killers on Victorian roads. Reduce speed and you increase the likelihood of surviving a crash or avoiding injury. Victoria’s road safety camera system slows drivers down.

Speed is one of the biggest killers on Victorian roads, with around one third of all crashes involving inappropriate speed.

By reducing speed, you increase the likelihood of surviving a crash or avoiding injury.

Victoria’s road safety camera system slows drivers down and, in doing so, saves lives.

Speed limits

The Department of Transport is responsible for setting speed limits, which specify the maximum legal speed on any stretch of road.

Visit for more information about speed limits.

Low-level speeding

Low-level speeding refers to motorists travelling a few kilometres per hour (km/h) over the legal limit.

It is the most common form of speeding and accounts for the majority of speed-related trauma.

Even speeding at 5 km/h above the speed limit increases both the likelihood of a crash occurring and the severity of driver and pedestrian injuries in the event of a crash.

Hoon driving

Hoon driving is dangerous or anti-social behaviour, including driving at very high speeds of 45 km/h or more above the designated speed limit.

Visit for more information about hoon laws.

To report a hoon driver or hoon-related activity, contact the Crime Stoppers Hoon Hotline on 1800 333 000.

Police enforcement

In areas not covered by cameras, Victoria Police works to enforce road safety laws.

Enforcement activity includes that conducted by specially trained traffic police through Highway Patrols.

Road safety cameras are designed to detect specific offences (speed, red light and unregistered vehicles), giving police more time to prosecute other road incidents such as dangerous driving.

Vulnerable road users

Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are the most vulnerable of all road users and a small reduction in vehicle speed could save their lives in the event of a crash.
