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Suggest a road safety camera location

You use Victorian roads every day and know which locations need a road safety camera to improve safety and driver behaviour. Submit your suggestion.

We encourage anyone to make a suggestion where they believe a road safety camera may help improve Victorian road safety.

Use the form below to make your suggestion.

All suggested locations go to the Road Safety Camera Site Selection Committee (RSCSSC) to consider and make the final assessment.

Victoria Police chairs the RSCSSC which also includes members from:

  • Department of Justice and Community Safety (manages the operation of the Victorian road safety camera network)
  • Department of Transport and Planning (manages the Victorian road network).

Make your suggestion

Use this form to suggest a new location for:

  • intersection speed/red light cameras
  • mobile or fixed speed cameras
  • mobile phone and seatbelt detection cameras.

Before making your submission, we recommend you check if there is already a camera nearby

What happens to your submission

All submissions received go through the following process:

  1. Your submission is referred to the RSCSSC.
  2. The RSCSSC makes an initial assessment of the submission.
  3. The RSCSSC then looks at the suitability of the location for a camera. This may include members of the committee inspecting the suggested location.
  4. The RSCSSC considers the inspection report and completes its final assessment.
  5. If your submitted location is approved by the committee, it will form part of a program of works to plan and implement a camera at the site.
  6. If your submitted location is not suitable for a camera your suggestion may be referred to an appropriate agency for an alternative action or your submission may be closed.
  7. If you have provided your contact details, you are informed on the outcome of your submission.

The RSCSSC receives many suggested camera locations from the public. The assessment process by RSCSSC is rigorous and can take some time to complete.

There is no need to contact us again. If you provide your contact details as a part of your submission, we will inform you when there is a decision on your submission.

Assessing a new camera location

The RSCSSC receives suggested camera locations from the public. Road safety authorities also independently consider potential new locations.

When reviewing a request for a new camera location, factors that are considered may include:

  • recent location crash history (using data on fatal and serious injury crashes)
  • road type, environment, and condition
  • suitability of the location for a camera
  • community reports of speeding or dangerous driving
  • a clear speed or accident risk as identified by Victoria Police or the Department of Transport and Planning.

All active road safety camera locations on Victorian roads are listed on this website. This information is kept current and regularly updated. You are encouraged to check camera locations to stay informed.
