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Liquor legislation and regulations

The Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 (the Act) regulates the supply and consumption of liquor in Victoria.

The Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 (the Act) regulates the supply and consumption of liquor in Victoria.

The objects of the Act are:

  1. to contribute to minimising harm arising from the misuse and abuse of alcohol, including by:
    1. providing adequate controls over the supply and consumption of liquor
    2. ensuring as far as practicable that the supply of liquor contributes to, and does not detract from, the amenity of community life
    3. restricting the supply of certain other alcoholic products
    4. encouraging a culture of responsible consumption of alcohol and reducing risky drinking of alcohol and its impact on the community
  2. to facilitate the development of a diversity of licensed facilities reflecting community expectations
  3. to contribute to the responsible development of the liquor and licensed hospitality industries
  4. to regulate licensed premises that provide sexually explicit entertainment.

It is the intention of Parliament that every power, authority, discretion, jurisdiction and duty in this Act must be exercised and performed for harm minimisation and the risks associated with the misuse and abuse of alcohol.

The Act provides penalties for failing to comply with licence conditions or the Act, including fines, licence suspension and/or cancellation. Examples of behaviour which may contravene the Act includes:

  • unlicensed selling of liquor
  • supplying liquor to intoxicated persons
  • underage drinking.

The Liquor Control Reform Regulations 2023 (the regulations) provide for a range of specific matters in relation to licensing and the regulation of liquor, including prescribing licence fees and application requirements. The regulations complement the Act and provide further detail to give effect to the intentions of the Act.

Acts and regulations

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