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Management plans for supplying liquor

Having a management plan in place will help you minimise the risk of harm from the supply of liquor.

What is a management plan?

A management plan is a detailed document that you, as a licensee or an applicant for a liquor licence, can create. It specifies the policies, procedures and practices that you, as the licensee will have in place to minimise the risk of alcohol-related harm. It also provides guidance to you and your staff on actions that will be taken to ensure you’re meeting your obligations under the liquor laws and the conditions of your licence. It is the responsibility of all staff to follow the plan.

When you apply for a liquor licence, you may be required to provide a plan. If your application does not ask for a plan, LCV may still request one from you during the assessment of your application. Below is some guidance on what a management plan should include.

Types of management plans

There are three main management plans that LCV may ask you for, depending on the nature of your business or event. The plan will help us ensure that you understand your obligations and have practices in place to reduce risks.

  • A venue management plan is a plan to help venues such as live music venues, bars and restaurants manage the supply of liquor and the safety of their staff and patrons.
  • An alcohol management plan is to help licensees who supply packaged liquor manage the risks of alcohol-related harms and their obligations as a licensee.
  • An event management plan is designed to help businesses holding pop-up or one-off events manage the risks associated with the supply of liquor.

Some licence holders must have a management plan

While some licensee have a condition on their licence to have a plan in place, it is not mandatory for everyone.

Applicants seeking to vary their licence conditions for a live music venue and applicants subject to the late night liquor licence guidelines in the municipalities of Melbourne (including Docklands), Stonnington, Yarra and Port Phillip, must provide a venue management plan to LCV as part of their application.

If you want to sell discounted or promotional liquor or rapidly delivered packaged liquor, you will need to submit an alcohol management plan. Rapid delivery of liquor is when you deliver packaged liquor within 2 hours of the order being made.

LCV encourages all businesses that supply liquor to have an appropriate management plan in place.

Venue Management plan

A well-developed venue management plan identifies and enforces a responsible approach to running the venue and is a statement of actions to be taken by your venue. Your venue management plan should reflect an ethical approach to operating your business. A venue management plan should include such things as:

Alcohol management plan

An alcohol management plan is a detailed document specifying the policies, procedures and practices that you, as the licensee of a business that sells packaged liquor, create to ensure your shop, venue or online business is compliant with the laws and mitigating alcohol-related harms.

LCV encourages all businesses that supply packaged liquor to have an alcohol management plan in place.

An alcohol management should include things such as:

Event management plan

A well-developed event management plan identifies and enforces a responsible approach to running your event and is a statement of actions to be taken by you.

If you already have a venue and are hosting special events, consider creating a separate event management plan.

An event management plan should include such things as:

Keeping the plan current

Your plan should include details of how these practices will remain up to date (for example, ongoing staff training, annual review of the plan).

Your management plan should be:

  • be dated, and include clear headings and page numbers (for example, 1 of 4 pages)
  • include contact details of your local police
  • be easily accessible by staff
  • be updated as your business or licence conditions change
  • be available upon request by LCV or Victoria Police.

For more information, see your licencee obligations.
