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Licensee obligations

As a liquor licensee in Victoria you must meet all of your general obligations under the law, including planning, RSA and other training, and your specific liquor licence conditions.

As a licensee or permittee, it is important that you are familiar with the conditions of planning permit and your liquor licence.

Your liquor licence does not override your planning permit conditions, meaning if your planning permit is more restrictive than your licence, you must trade within the conditions of your planning permit.

You must also read your liquor licence carefully as it may have special conditions. You are required to adhere to any special conditions endorsed on your licence, as well as your obligations under the law. Special conditions may include numbers of patrons, security guards, surveillance cameras, management plans or when you may use certain areas of your venue. If you do not adhere to all the conditions of your licence, you are in breach and can be fined.
