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VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride Network: Branding

Guidelines for the use of the VPS Pride branding including asset downloads.

Download the VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride brand guidelines

VPS Pride brand guidelines
PDF 2.23 MB
(opens in a new window)

About the VPS LGBTIQ+ Pride brand

The VPS Pride brand is used by LGBTIQ+ Pride Networks across the Victorian Public Sector (VPS). It is a symbol of the inclusive culture within the VPS and a sign to staff that the LGBTIQ+ Pride Network is a safe space where they can connect with other LGBTIQ+ staff and allies.

The brand is used by the whole of Victorian government pride network as a symbol of connectedness between VPS Departmental, agency and other bodies' LGBTIQ+ Pride Networks, and employee pride representatives.

VPS Departments, agencies and other bodies using the brand and establishing a LGBTIQ+ Pride Network show their LGBTIQ+ staff that they can bring their whole selves to work, that they understand and seek to overcome issues and barriers faced by LGBTIQ+ staff in the workplace, they contribute to Victorian Public Sector being a safe and inclusive work environment, and promote themselves as an employer of choice, decision-maker and service provider for LGBTIQ+ Victorians.

The VPS Pride Network connects VPS LGBTIQ+ employees and encourages a LGBTIQ+ inclusive culture. This allows the government to be an inclusive employer, decision-maker and service provider for LGBTIQ+ Victorians. Our workforce is at its best when it reflects the communities we serve. This helps us to develop better policies and programs and improve service delivery for all Victorians.


As an initiative that is endorsed by the Victoria State Government, the VPS Pride Network logo must always appear accompanied by the Victorian State Government logo or the respective Victorian State Government Department logo (e.g. Department of Education logo on any single message application masthead, factsheet, poster) or hero face of multi message application (brochure cover, folder cover).

For example:

For smaller items, such as digital advertising, please use the Victorian State Government logo.
Please note: Please only use the Victorian State Government logo or the respective Victorian State Government Department logo in black or white.

Using our brand and logos

This brand is the property of the Victorian Government. It cannot be used by any government or non-government body without authorisation.

If you're not sure if you're authorised to use the VPS Pride brand, contact the VPS Pride Network(opens in a new window).

Download logo files and templates
