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ACFE training delivery timeline

Timeline for the ACFE 2025 Pre-accredited Training Delivery Expression of Interest process

2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) for contracting of hours open. For more information, see Pre-accredited training programs web page.

Open 29 August 2024

Close 20 September 2024

ACFE 2025 Training Delivery Guidelines and the 2025 Delivery Plan available.From 29 August 2024
Attend an online information session: register to attend.5 or 10 September 2024
Attend a regional forum in your area. Your regional office will send you an invitation closer to the date.September 2024

Prepare and submit your Expression of Interest for 2025 ACFE training delivery funding, using the Delivery Plan, to:

Learn Local providers are encouraged to submit proposed Module and Session plans with the Delivery Plan.

By 20 September 2024
You will receive an email acknowledging your submission within 2 working days.Within 2 days of submission
Department staff review EOI for training delivery hours.September to October 2024
Learn Local providers must submit proposed Module and Session plans for locally developed or adapted centrally developed modules. No submission required for centrally developed programs.21 October 2024
Department advises providers of outcomes for training delivery hours EOI.Early November 2024
Ensure your current Business and Governance Status (BGS) is completed, signed and uploaded to the Compliance tab in SAMS2.By 30 November 2024 if on a financial year, or by June 2025 if on a calendar year
Contracts will be uploaded in SAMS2 once all prerequisites are met, including BGS.December 2024
Once contract requirements are finalised, first payment released.February 2025
Learn Local providers can apply under the open variation round in 2025 for delivery of additional or varied hours which may include delivery of PQF+.April to August 2025
Contact your regional office for more information.Anytime
