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Programs available

Programs available for 2025, program background, 2025 ACFE Training Programs Table and PQF+ Stronger by Design model delivery in 2025.

Learn Local providers are invited to request 2025 ACFE training delivery hours under the following 2 program streams:

  1. General Pre-accredited training – Funded from the ACFE Pre-accredited training budget
    • Language
    • Literacy
    • Numeracy
    • Employability (embedded in PQF+)
    • Engagement (5–15 hours)
  2. Additional Digital and Employability Places – Funded from the Victorian Budget 2023–24
    • Digital Literacy Essentials
    • Employability with a Digital Component

Learn Local providers should choose the program category that fits the primary focus of the module, for both 2013 PQF and PQF+.

Program background

General pre-accredited training

  • includes centrally and locally developed curriculum
  • delivered through Language, Literacy, Numeracy, Employability (for PQF 2013) and Engagement program categories

Additional Digital and Employability Places

Victorian Budget 2023–24 initiative over 2-year period concluding end 2025.

  • for development of specific skills knowledge base required for employment by many pre-accredited learners
  • may include centrally and locally developed curriculum
  • delivered through Digital Literacy Essentials and Employability with a Digital Component program categories

Program contextualisation

All pre-accredited modules:

  • must have a primary focus on language, literacy, numeracy, employability or digital (LLNED) core skills
  • may be contextualised to an occupation, industry or career pathway or outcome
  • must embed Employability skills if PQF+.

Program categories alignment

2025 ACFE training programs table

The 2025 ACFE Training Program Table details module length, alignment to ACFE Strategy 2020–25, funding and reporting, resources and links, and can be accessed at the Learn Local Sector Hub in the Learn Local secure portal.

PQF+ Stronger by Design model delivery in 2025

Learn Local Providers will be in one of the following 3 groups.

  1. Stronger by Design pilot program providers
    • can access existing PQF+ curriculum from the Learn Local Secure Portal, which may be delivered through Stronger by Design
    • can access and deliver existing PQF+ curriculum from the Learn Local Secure Portal, even if not delivered through Stronger by Design
    • can develop new locally developed modules in 2025 using PQF+ templates
    • may continue delivering existing PQF 2013 modules but cannot develop new modules in PQF 2013
  2. Providers where Professional Development program completed by at least two staff members prior to the scheduled delivery dates in 2025
    • can access and deliver existing PQF+ curriculum from the Learn Local Secure Portal, even if not delivered through Stronger by Design
    • can develop new locally developed modules in 2025 using PQF+ templates
    • may continue delivering existing PQF 2013 modules but cannot develop new modules in PQF 2013
  3. Providers that have not completed the Stronger by Design Professional Development program prior to scheduled delivery dates in 2025
    • can access and deliver existing PQF+ curriculum from the Learn Local secure portal, but not delivered through Stronger by Design
    • may continue delivering existing PQF 2013 modules but cannot develop new modules in PQF 2013
    • should use PQF+ templates for new locally developed modules
