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Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
29 Aug 2024

ACFE training delivery timeline

Timeline for the ACFE 2025 Pre-accredited Training Delivery Expression of Interest process

2025 Expression of Interest (EOI) for contracting of hours open. For more information, see Pre-accredited training programs web page.

Open 29 August 2024

Close 20 September 2024

ACFE 2025 Training Delivery Guidelines and the 2025 Delivery Plan available.From 29 August 2024
Attend an online information session: register to attend.5 or 10 September 2024
Attend a regional forum in your area. Your regional office will send you an invitation closer to the date.September 2024

Prepare and submit your Expression of Interest for 2025 ACFE training delivery funding, using the Delivery Plan, to:

Learn Local providers are encouraged to submit proposed Module and Session plans with the Delivery Plan.

By 20 September 2024
You will receive an email acknowledging your submission within 2 working days.Within 2 days of submission
Department staff review EOI for training delivery hours.September to October 2024
Learn Local providers must submit proposed Module and Session plans for locally developed or adapted centrally developed modules. No submission required for centrally developed programs.21 October 2024
Department advises providers of outcomes for training delivery hours EOI.Early November 2024
Ensure your current Business and Governance Status (BGS) is completed, signed and uploaded to the Compliance tab in SAMS2.By 30 November 2024 if on a financial year, or by June 2025 if on a calendar year
Contracts will be uploaded in SAMS2 once all prerequisites are met, including BGS.December 2024
Once contract requirements are finalised, first payment released.February 2025
Learn Local providers can apply under the open variation round in 2025 for delivery of additional or varied hours which may include delivery of PQF+.April to August 2025
Contact your regional office for more information.Anytime

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board program training delivery

ACFE Board Training Delivery Guidelines, purpose and 2025 priorities, ACFE regional councils, providers, ACFE Unit, pre-accredited training, Koorie education, Pre-accredited Quality Framework (PQF) and PQF+

Purpose of these guidelines

The information provided in these guidelines has been developed to assist Learn Local providers, AMES Australia and the CAE in planning and implementing delivery of ACFE program training in 2025.

What’s new in 2025

  • Regional loading increase to 25 per cent
  • Introduction of Koorie access fee waiver
  • Koorie protocols and principles supporting self-determination
  • New locally developed modules in 2025 should use PQF+ templates

ACFE Board priorities for 2025 delivery

The Board’s strategic training priorities include:

  • allocation of pre-accredited training funds, based on demographic data and the Board’s strategic objectives
  • design and delivery of pre-accredited modules to people who have experienced educational disadvantage.

The priorities are outlined in the:

The priorities are demonstrated by the funded pre-accredited modules.

ACFE Board

Statutory body

The ACFE Board is a statutory authority under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.


  • plan and promote adult learning
  • allocate resources
  • develop policies
  • advise the Minister for Skills and TAFE on matters related to adult education in Victoria


Through the ACFE Board, the Victorian Government funds the following entities to deliver education and training programs to a broad range of Victorians over compulsory school leaving age, with a special focus on people who have had limited prior access to education:

  • Learn Local providers, AMES Australia and CAE.

ACFE Board strategy 2020–25

The ACFE Board Strategy 2020–25 is the primary means to implement the Ministerial Statement on the Future of Adult Community Education in Victoria 2020–25.

The Strategy responds to:

  • trends and challenges in the Learn Local sector, including changes in learner needs
  • changing modes of skills acquisition
  • changes in place-based models
  • changes in industry and the nature of work
  • policy and regulatory changes at the state and Commonwealth Government levels
  • changes in society more generally.

Above all, it reflects the right of people to access core education and training.

Allocation of resources

There are fixed, limited funding resources for pre-accredited training delivery.

The ACFE Board aims to equitably distribute these government funds across the state to each of the 8 Regional Council areas:

  • Barwon South Western
  • Eastern Metropolitan
  • Gippsland
  • Grampians
  • Hume
  • Loddon Mallee
  • North Western Metropolitan
  • Southern Metropolitan.

This distribution of resources is determined by a demographically driven formula based on current Census data, moderated by demonstrated demand and provider capacity to deliver.

The resource allocation model reflects 2021 Census data. It entails redistribution of some resources among regions.

Allocations may shift over time according to need backed by data. However, every attempt is made to manage this in a sensitive way.

This formula incorporates weightings for:

  • the Regional Council area’s share of Victorian working age population (people aged 15 to 69 who are not in school education, and who have not achieved a Certificate III or greater education)
  • the proportion of the Regional Council area population experiencing educational disadvantage.

ACFE Regional Councils

The 8 ACFE Regional Councils were established in line with the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

Using their different expertise and local knowledge about adult education, Regional Councils advise the ACFE Board on the needs of adult education across their region.

They also contribute to statewide planning and policy development and advocate on behalf of the ACFE sector.

Regional Council areas

ACFE regional boundaries

Loddon Mallee region

Comprises Mildura, Gannawarra, Loddon, Central Goldfields, Mount Alexander, Swan Hill, Buloke, Campaspe, Greater Bendigo and Macedon Ranges.

Grampians region

Comprises Ararat, Ballarat, Golden Plains, Hepburn, Hindmarsh, Horsham, Moorabool, Northern Grampians, Pyrenees, West Wimmera and Yarriambiack.

Barwon South Western region

Comprises Colac-Otway, Corangamite, Glenelg, Greater Geelong, Moyne, Surf Coast, South Grampians and Warrnambool.

Hume region

Comprises Moira, Indigo, Alpine, Benalla, Strathbogie, Murrindindi, Wodonga, Towong, Wangaratta, Greater Shepparton, Mitchell and Mansfield.

Gippsland region

Comprises East Gippsland, Wellington, Baw Baw, La Trobe, South Gippsland and Bass Coast.

ACFE metropolitan boundaries

North and West

Western metropolitan comprises Melton, Wyndham, Brimbank, Moonee Valley, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong and Melbourne.

Northern metropolitan comprises Hume, Whittlesea, Nillumbik, Moreland, Darebin, Banyule and Yarra.


Eastern comprises Boroondara, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse and Shire of Yarra.


Southern comprises Bayside, Cardinia, Casey, Frankston, Glen Eira, Greater Dandenong, Kingston, Mornington Peninsula, Port Phillip and Stonnington.

Role of providers

Learn Local providers are among Victoria’s most valuable community assets, improving the lives and prospects of many Victorians, and playing a positive role in strengthening local economies and communities.

The Learn Local sector is an essential part of Victoria’s post-compulsory education system. It plays 4 crucial roles in supporting learners to enter and succeed in further study and employment, as outlined in the ACFE Board Strategy 2020–25 (page 8).

Role of the ACFE unit

The ACFE Unit sits within Skills and Employment, in the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (‘the department’).

In relation to this contract, it:

  • manages the procurement of student contact hours, within parameters set by the ACFE Board
  • executes and monitors contracts with providers within the delegations set by the ACFE Board
  • makes regular reports to the ACFE Board on progress towards targets set in contracts and on broader strategic priorities.

The department conducts a formal Expression of Interest (EOI) process to procure training delivery.

Purpose of government subsidised pre-accredited training

Primary purpose

Pre-accredited training provides opportunities for adult learners in Victoria to gain the educational capacity and core skills they need for study, work and life.

Core skills are defined in the Ministerial Statement on the Future of Adult Community Education in Victoria 2020–25 as:

  • language
  • literacy
  • numeracy
  • employability
  • digital skills

Through the ACFE Board, the Victorian Government funds adult community education providers for delivery of education and training programs to a broad range of Victorians above compulsory school age and seeking to enhance their educational capacity and core skills.

Pre-accredited modules (courses)

Pre-accredited modules are short modules that focus on creating pathways for learners to further education, training and employment. They are:

  • unique
  • distinct from accredited training programs
  • with their own module and session plans.

Design principles

Pre-accredited modules are designed to be:

  • flexible
  • meet learners’ needs and support their return to study
  • improve their English language, literacy, numeracy, employability and digital skills
  • improve qualification pathways and broaden employment options.

Contracted providers are expected to deliver pre-accredited modules aligned to one or more of the 4 objectives outlined in the ACFE Board Strategy 2020–25. See the role of the Learn Local sector on page 8 of the ACFE Board Strategy 2020–25.

Koorie Education in Learn Locals: Best Practices and Protocols

As part of the Self-determination in Learn Local Koorie Education Initiative, the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc (VAEAI), in partnership with the ACFE Board, has developed a set of protocols that formalises an equal partnership between communities and between cultures. The protocols ensure Koorie voices are involved in strategies for engaging and delivering training to Koorie learners.

The protocols support Learn Local providers to:

  • better meet the needs of Koorie learners and communities
  • practically assist Learn Locals to provide culturally safe and supportive learning environments and include Koorie perspectives in curriculum
  • further strengthen the ongoing partnership between VAEAI and ACFE.

The Koorie Education in Learn Locals: Best Practices and Protocols are available via the VAEAI website.

Learn Local providers can also access the protocols via the Learn Local secure portal and limited numbers of hard copies can be ordered via the Learn Local printing portal.

A hard-copy of the Koorie Education in Learn Locals: Best Practice and Protocols and a poster has been sent to all Learn Local providers.

VAEAI will run information sessions in Semester 2 2024, to support the implementation of the protocols by Learn Local providers.

Pre-accredited Quality Framework (PQF)

The Pre-accredited Quality Framework (PQF), launched in 2013, ensures quality and continuous improvement in pre-accredited modules by supporting module:

  • planning and development
  • delivery
  • review.

It provides Learn Locals with evidence-based tools and guides that outline the quality practices and processes underpinning pre-accredited training.

The PQF is being updated to PQF+.

Learn Locals can continue to include existing locally developed modules aligned to the 2013 PQF in their delivery plans for 2025.


The PQF+ delivery model is being developed through the ACFE Board’s Stronger by Design (SbD) initiative.


  • ‘Stronger by Design’ is the ACFE Board initiative, including the pilot program with Learn Local providers
  • ‘PQF+’ are the updated tools, templates and resources supporting the Stronger by Design initiative.

The model aims to improve the quality and consistency of pre-accredited training for Victorian adults with low capability in the domains of language, literacy and numeracy as well as employability and/or digital skills (LLNED).

More information on settings for 2025 will be provided at a later date.

2025 will be another transition year for PQF+ templates and resources

As a transition year, 2025 delivery will continue to comprise a mix of existing locally developed and PQF+ modules.

All providers can access:

  • new PQF+ professional development modules
  • face to face workshops
  • support from PQF+ Learn Local mentors, to build their understanding of the new templates and tools.

The ACFE Board will subsidise 2 staff from every Learn Local to complete the new professional development, and the program will continue into 2025 to ensure new Learn Local staff have opportunities to participate in the program.

Providers can access the professional development and resources via the Learn Local secure portal.

Some providers have already developed and delivered new PQF+ modules as participants in SbD pilot groups.

Centrally developed pre-accredited modules

Centrally developed PQF+ modules are made available on the Learn Local secure portal for all providers to use. These quality assured curriculum products are a mix of:

  • Learn Local provider developed
  • ACFE Board-Learn Local provider co-designed
  • Curriculum products privately developed and purchased by the ACFE Board.

These products were developed under the PQF+ and have been subject to the ACFE Board’s quality assurance process (see links under the Programs available section).

Learn Local providers should review and use or adapt the centrally developed resources on the Learn Local secure portal as a first consideration when planning their EOI responses.

Centrally developed PQF+ modules can be adapted by up to 30% to suit local needs.

More than 30% change is a new locally developed PQF+ module.

There is guidance on adaptation of centrally developed modules in the PQF+ Planning Pre-accredited Learning module in the Learn Local secure portal.

The use of centrally developed modules minimises duplication of resources and increases use of quality assured modules.

Regional teams will review this during the assessment of delivery plans.

Learn Local provider developed pre-accredited modules

  • New locally developed modules should use PQF+ templates. Training in the use of PQF+ templates is available online at the Learn Local secure portal.
  • Existing locally developed modules using PQF 2013 templates can continue to be delivered in 2025.
  • Structured independent learning is permissible but must not exceed 10% of total module hours and must be detailed in the module plan. This will be monitored in 2025.

Eligibility criteria

Information regarding 2025 ACFE Board Training Programs learner eligibility and provider eligibility criteria

The ACFE Board provides funding to eligible Learn Local providers to deliver education and training programs to a broad range of Victorians who are above compulsory school age and who are seeking to gain the educational capacity and core skills they need for study, work and life.

Learner eligibility criteria

To be eligible to enrol in ACFE Board funded pre-accredited training, providers must ensure that participants meet the following conditions:

  1. Learner eligibility is conditional upon Table 1 and Table 2 below.
  2. For a learner to be eligible, they must meet one of the criteria in Table 1, regarding both citizenship or permanent residency, and age requirements.
  3. The learner will be ineligible if they fall within any category in Table 2.

Table 1

The learner must meet one of the following criteria:

CriteriaCitizenship/permanent residency status

Age requirement

  • 17 and over and not enrolled at school
  • Under 17 and not enrolled at school with exemption
1Australian citizenMeets above age requirement
2Holder of an Australian permanent visaMeets above age requirement
3New Zealand citizenMeets above age requirement
4Asylum seekers holding valid visa that confers eligibility for Skills First training under the Asylum Seeker VET programMeets above age requirement

Table 2

The learner is ineligible if one of the following categories applies:

1A prisoner held at a prison, within the meaning of the Corrections Act 1986.
2Detained under the Mental Health Act 1986; or the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to Be Tried) Act 1997 or the Sentencing Act 1991 at the Thomas Embling Hospital.
3Detained (other than on weekend detention) under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 or the Sentencing Act 1991 or who is held on remand in the Malmsbury Juvenile Justice Centre or Parkville Youth Residential Centre.
4Non-citizenship/non-permanent residents and asylum seekers not listed in the previous table.
5Learn Local provider paid staff. They are regarded as fee-for-service enrolments.

Learner eligibility assessment and evidence

The Learn Local provider must assess a learner’s eligibility against the requirements outlined in this section, including:

  • sighting evidence
  • completing the Eligibility and Student Declaration Form at Attachment 1 in the Learner Eligibility Assessment and Evidence Fact Sheet.

Note: An authorised delegate of the training provider can grant eligibility on face value, via interview if documentation is unavailable confirming:

  • citizenship, or
  • age.

Please refer to the Learner Eligibility Assessment and Evidence Fact Sheet for further details on the current process. Download from the Learn Local sector hub, located on your Dashboard in the Learn Local secure portal.

Provider eligibility criteria

To be eligible to receive government subsidised pre-accredited training delivery grant funding, providers must meet the following criteria:


Providers must be:

  • registered with the ACFE Board, or
  • covered under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (AMES & CAE).

Registration does not guarantee funding. Visit Become a registered Learn Local provider on the Learn Local sector website for information on registration with the ACFE Board.

Current BGS

  • Providers must have a Business and Governance Status (BGS) Assessment.
  • Providers with a Skills First Contract or who operate under the auspices of local government are exempt. However, they must obtain a BGS if the circumstances granting exemption change.

See Business and governance status assessment on the Learn Local Sector website for more information about the BGS assessment process.

Comply with data reporting requirements

  • As laid out in the 2025 Pre-Accredited Training Data Reporting Guidelines.

If you wish to deliver pre-accredited training in 2025, but have not delivered in 2024, please contact your regional office as soon as possible.

Programs available

Programs available for 2025, program background, 2025 ACFE Training Programs Table and PQF+ Stronger by Design model delivery in 2025.

Learn Local providers are invited to request 2025 ACFE training delivery hours under the following 2 program streams:

  1. General Pre-accredited training – Funded from the ACFE Pre-accredited training budget
    • Language
    • Literacy
    • Numeracy
    • Employability (embedded in PQF+)
    • Engagement (5–15 hours)
  2. Additional Digital and Employability Places – Funded from the Victorian Budget 2023–24
    • Digital Literacy Essentials
    • Employability with a Digital Component

Learn Local providers should choose the program category that fits the primary focus of the module, for both 2013 PQF and PQF+.

Program background

General pre-accredited training

  • includes centrally and locally developed curriculum
  • delivered through Language, Literacy, Numeracy, Employability (for PQF 2013) and Engagement program categories

Additional Digital and Employability Places

Victorian Budget 2023–24 initiative over 2-year period concluding end 2025.

  • for development of specific skills knowledge base required for employment by many pre-accredited learners
  • may include centrally and locally developed curriculum
  • delivered through Digital Literacy Essentials and Employability with a Digital Component program categories

Program contextualisation

All pre-accredited modules:

  • must have a primary focus on language, literacy, numeracy, employability or digital (LLNED) core skills
  • may be contextualised to an occupation, industry or career pathway or outcome
  • must embed Employability skills if PQF+.

Program categories alignment

2025 ACFE training programs table

The 2025 ACFE Training Program Table details module length, alignment to ACFE Strategy 2020–25, funding and reporting, resources and links, and can be accessed at the Learn Local Sector Hub in the Learn Local secure portal.

PQF+ Stronger by Design model delivery in 2025

Learn Local Providers will be in one of the following 3 groups.

  1. Stronger by Design pilot program providers
    • can access existing PQF+ curriculum from the Learn Local Secure Portal, which may be delivered through Stronger by Design
    • can access and deliver existing PQF+ curriculum from the Learn Local Secure Portal, even if not delivered through Stronger by Design
    • can develop new locally developed modules in 2025 using PQF+ templates
    • may continue delivering existing PQF 2013 modules but cannot develop new modules in PQF 2013
  2. Providers where Professional Development program completed by at least two staff members prior to the scheduled delivery dates in 2025
    • can access and deliver existing PQF+ curriculum from the Learn Local Secure Portal, even if not delivered through Stronger by Design
    • can develop new locally developed modules in 2025 using PQF+ templates
    • may continue delivering existing PQF 2013 modules but cannot develop new modules in PQF 2013
  3. Providers that have not completed the Stronger by Design Professional Development program prior to scheduled delivery dates in 2025
    • can access and deliver existing PQF+ curriculum from the Learn Local secure portal, but not delivered through Stronger by Design
    • may continue delivering existing PQF 2013 modules but cannot develop new modules in PQF 2013
    • should use PQF+ templates for new locally developed modules

How to apply for ACFE training delivery funding

Applying for 2025 ACFE training delivery funding, information sessions, ACFE regional forums, submitting an expression of interest, module and session plan, delivery plan and assessment criteria

How to apply for ACFE training delivery funding

  1. Participate in an information session and attend a regional forum to help you prepare your application
  2. Download and complete the 2025 Delivery Plan template
  3. Prepare submission of Module and Session Plans for local and adapted central modules only (not required for centrally developed modules)
  4. Submit your application including Delivery Plan for all training delivery program streams in one email, by COB Friday 20 September 2024 to

Information sessions and regional forums

Two online information sessions will be offered by the department in partnership with the VET Development Centre (VDC).

Information sessions to focus on priorities for 2025 General Pre-accredited and Additional Digital and Employability Places training delivery program streams, including information on EOI timelines.

All Learn Local providers are encouraged to participate in an information session and attend a regional forum.

Information sessionDateTime
Information Session oneThursday 5 September 202412:30 pm–1:30 pm
Information Session twoTuesday 10 September 202412:30 pm–1:30 pm
Information Session presentationMonday 16 September 2024N/A
Regional forumsThroughout September 2024TBA by regional office

Information session registration

Please register for one of the above information sessions through the VET Development Centre (VDC).

Once registration is complete, you will be emailed a confirmation booking. Your session participation link will be emailed to you on the day of the session.

To participate effectively in the information session, please check that you have:

  • your booking confirmation and participation link
  • a strong internet connection
  • headphones to hear the presentation
  • Google Chrome, installed and ready for use as your web browser (Safari for MAC users) to view the information session.

If you are unable to participate, the presentation will be available on the Learn Local secure portal and the Learn Local Facebook page from 16 September 2024.

Regional forums

Regional forums will be conducted by the regional offices. Forums will be scheduled throughout September 2024 to discuss the development of Delivery Plans. Invitations will be sent out by regional offices.

Completing and submitting the Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest (EOI)

  • Streamlined information required for contracting purposes
  • Allows Learn Local providers to continue to modify Delivery Plans at module level, within their contracted allocation of student contact hours (SCH).

EOI process for 2025

  1. The 2025 Delivery Plan template will be emailed to Learn Local providers on 29 August 2024 and uploaded to the Learn Local Secure Portal.
  2. The Delivery Plan must be submitted by COB Friday 20 September 2024 to
  3. Learn Local providers will complete a draft Delivery Plan indicating requested total SCH for each funding stream (General Pre-accredited and Additional Digital and Employability Places) by local government area (LGA). Figures are automatically generated on the summary tab as you complete the 2 worksheets.
  4. You may continue fine-tuning module details on your Delivery Plan worksheets, within the limit of total SCH submitted.
  5. Once the SCH is approved, you will be sent an update of your Delivery Plan with the final SCH entered at the top of each worksheet.
  6. Should you further adjust your Delivery Plan throughout the year, the table at the top right of each worksheet will show any difference between the contracted SCH/funding and the worksheet SCH/funding, as a guide.

For assistance in completing the 2025 Delivery Plan template, please:

  • contact regional office
  • note upcoming regional forums will include instruction.

Delivery Plan template 2025

  • enables Learn Local providers to input and modify module (course) information
  • includes automated features


Excel workbook, with 4 visible tabs:

Tab 1 – Guide to completing the 2025 Delivery Plan EOIA quick guide to completing the template. For more detailed information please refer to the 2025 ACFE Training Delivery Guidelines (this document).
Tab 2 – 2025 Delivery Plan summary

Calculates and summarises the SCH/funding data from the 2 Delivery Plan worksheets by training delivery program stream and LGA.

Learn Local providers only complete the organisation/contact details and version information (yellow boxes).

The remaining tables will summarise contract information by LGA and program stream for department reference and review.

Tab 3 – 2025 General Pre-accredited Delivery Plan worksheetFor all modules under the General Pre-accredited funding stream (ACE) in 2025.
Tab 4 – 2025 Additional Digital and Employability Delivery Plan worksheetFor all modules under Additional Digital and Employability Places funding stream (AC2) in 2025.

The following information is required for General Pre-accredited (tab 3) and Additional Digital and Employability (tab 4) modules

Field/column headingCompletion methodInformation required
LGA of module deliveryMenu


LGA from where the module will be delivered.



New – if the module has not been offered before 2025

Existing – if the module has been offered before 2025

Source of moduleMenu


Centrally developed – if module entirely centrally developed

Adapted centrally developed – if module adapted by up to 30% from a centrally developed version to suit local need

Locally developed – if module entirely locally developed

Delivery modelMenu


2013 PQF – if delivering existing local modules on 2013 templates.

PQF+ – if using PQF+ templates but not delivering through Stronger by Design

Stronger by Design – if delivering through Stronger by Design, after completing Professional development

Module plan developedMenu


Yes – if a Module Plan is finalised for this module

In Progress – If Module Plan is in progress

Module code and nameText

For centrally developed module – use designated Module Code and Module Name

See: Centrally developed module codes. Download from Learn Local sector hub in the Learn Local secure portal
For example: 25SBDFLIT001

For locally developed or centrally adapted modules – nominate your own Module Code and Module Name

Module code should be alphanumeric and no more than 12 characters in length with no spaces.

If new local module:

  1. year of delivery (‘25’)
  2. ‘SBD’
  3. abbreviated Program Category (refer to table below)
  4. abbreviated module name.

For example: A literacy module titled Steps to Literacy would have a module code of 25SBDLITSTP i.e. [year] 2025, [PQF+ Strong By Design)] SBD, [program category] literacy, [local name] 3 Steps to Literacy.

If existing local module:
Locally developed existing module codes are unique and where possible should be rolled forward from the previous year with updated year. Eg: 25NUMSEW.

Module codes must:
Be consistent for Delivery Plans and reporting, i.e. the code that is used in the Delivery Plan must also be used when entering enrolment information for that module in your Student Management System (SMS).

Do not use a national or state recognised accredited module code.

Program categoryMenu


Most appropriate program category for your module. Refer to page 19 of these guidelines for further information, if required.

Where an engagement module (5–15 hours) in General Pre-accredited also falls under one of the other categories, select Engagement.

'Employability' can be selected for providers delivering under 2013 PQF. Employability should not be selected as a program category for PQF+ modules as employability skills are embedded in all PQF+ modules.

Mode of deliveryMenu

All proposed modules in 2025 must be delivered using one of the following modes of delivery – face-to-face, online or blended. Select the appropriate mode of delivery from these three options.

Face to Face delivery – teaching and learning facilitated by a trainer for a learner group occurs in the same space.

Blended delivery – a mix of face-to-face and structured online classes, facilitated by a trainer.

Online delivery – Learn Local providers will need to ensure that:

  • they have suitable technologies for this mode of delivery
  • tutors and students have access to the resources they need to engage in learning online, including equipment and software access
  • the students are capable and confident in undertaking online learning and are provided ongoing support
  • staff have sufficient skills to teach online
  • classes are directed or facilitated by a tutor
  • the provider ensures learners are regularly logging in, and participating in learning at scheduled times, in order to progress through the module
  • learners are aware of OH&S requirements.

All Modes of delivery may incorporate structured independent learning, but it should not exceed 10% of total module hours and must be detailed in the Module Plan.

Training partnershipMenu


Most appropriate option from the list if the module is being delivered through a partnership with another organisation.

No partnership – where no partnership with another organisation.

Option that is the most prominent partner – where there is more than one training partner.

Terms of deliveryMenuSelect the terms that your module will be delivered from the options provided.
Module SCHText

Enter total number of student contact hours for your module.

In completing this field, please note the parameters for each training delivery program stream.

General Pre-accredited and Additional Digital and Employability Places local modules are short and modular in nature. The average module length is 40–50 SCH. Modules should not exceed 100 SCH.

Engagement modules are 5–15 SCH in length.

New locally developed modules must use PQF+ templates.

For centrally developed modules, enter the designated SCH length from the Centrally developed module codes document.

For adapted centrally developed modules, enter the designated SCH length from the Centrally developed module codes document or amend the SCH length if the adaptation is changing the module length.

Download the list of Centrally developed module codes from the Learn Local secure portal.

Total studentsTextEnter the number of students that your module can accommodate.
Total SCHAutoNo entry required.
Total paymentAutoNo entry required.

Program category descriptions for General Pre-accredited and Additional Digital and Employability modules 2025

General pre-accredited

Category and abbreviation*Description
Language (LAN)Pre-accredited ‘Language’ programs build the English language skills of learners for whom English is not their first language. This category includes embedded approaches where relevant and meaningful language skills are developed in different contexts such as vocational contexts.
Literacy (LIT)Pre-accredited literacy programs support learners to understand, evaluate, use and engage with everyday written texts. This category includes embedded approaches where relevant and meaningful literacy skills are developed in different contexts such as vocational contexts.
Numeracy (NUM)Pre-accredited numeracy programs support learners to use, apply, interpret and communicate mathematical information in real life situations. This category includes embedded approaches where relevant and meaningful numeracy skills are developed in different contexts such as vocational contexts.
Employability (EMP)Pre-accredited employability programs develop generic skills that are important for gaining employment, progressing within a workplace, engaging in study and/or participating in daily life. These skills are defined as self-management, learning, teamwork, problem-solving, planning and organising and initiative, and enterprise.
Engagement (ENG)Short General Pre-accredited modules of 5–15 hours in length. These will focus on engagement with pathways to further pre-accredited training.

*Abbreviation (in brackets) is to be used as part of locally generated module code.

Additional Digital and Employability

Category and abbreviation*Description
Digital Literacy Essentials (DLE)Modules that provide adult Victorians with the entry-level digital skills required to make basic use of digital devices and online applications.
Employability with a Digital Component (EDC)Modules with a specific focus on employability, providing adult Victorians with core employability skills training which embed a digital component.

*Abbreviation (in brackets) is to be used as part of locally generated module code

Submitting your EOI

Submit your Delivery Plan by COB Friday 20 September to:

You will receive an email confirmation of your submission. If you do not receive confirmation within one week, please contact your regional office.

Notification of outcome

Learn Local providers will be notified of the outcome of their EOI submission by early November 2024.

SAMS2 contracting

2025 Service Plan(s) for ACFE Training Delivery will be uploaded in SAMS2, after contract prerequisites are completed, including BGS.

Ensure your organisation’s contact details and signatories are up to date in SAMS2.

Note: Your signatory will have a 5-day window to review the Service Plan, after which SAMS2 will automatically accept on behalf of your signatory. Your first milestone payment will be processed once all steps are complete. Note first-time Service Agreements require formal signatory acceptance via SAMS2.

Module and Session Plan finalisation

Module Plans and Session Plans (for locally developed modules or adapted central modules) can be submitted with the Delivery Plan EOI or separately by Monday 21 October 2024.

You are not required to submit Module and Session Plans for proposed delivery of centrally developed modules.

Module Plans and Session Plans must be submitted for all locally developed modules or adapted central modules. This includes both new and existing modules. Your Module Plan must clearly outline the structure and delivery mode for all module hours.

The latest evaluated/moderated version of Module and Session Plans should be submitted. Evaluated/moderated modules should include evidence of quality improvement. All pre-accredited modules must be evaluated/moderated annually by providers.

Templates are available on the Learn Local secure portal and also on the Learn Local sector website:


  • PQF+ module and session plan
  • Learner profile

Pre-accredited Quality Framework (PQF 2013)

Delivery Plan, Module and Session Plan assessment criteria

Assessment criteria include both the allocation of hours and assessment of module delivery.

Allocation of hours by LGA and training delivery program stream will be assessed by a moderation panel.

Module and Session Plans must be submitted by 21 October 2024 for assessment by your region. Early submission is encouraged.

Assessment of individual modules on your Delivery Plan and associated Module and Session Plans will be finalised by 30 November 2024.

General Pre-accredited

All Delivery Plans and Module and Session Plans will be subject to the following assessment criteria:

  1. Allocation of hours by LGA and training delivery program stream, against Provision Plan
    • equitable allocation of resources across the state according to learner demand
    • relevance of the proposed module to the local government area (LGA) including local community needs and regional area priorities
    • the provider’s history of delivery to contract
    • capacity of the provider to meet delivery and reporting standards.
  2. Assessment of module delivery against strategic priorities and PQF 2013 and/or PQF+
    • alignment to the ACFE Board Strategy 2020–25 and priorities
    • clear focus on LLNED
    • quality of Module Plans and Session Plans, if not using centralised resources
    • alignment to PQF+ requirements, for new local modules
    • clear evidence that the proposed module aims to lead to further education, training or employment
    • the module is targeted to the needs of educationally disadvantaged adults
    • evidence of module evaluation/moderation, if not using centralised resources.

Additional Digital and Employability Places

All Delivery Plans and Modules/A–frames will be subject to the following assessment criteria:

  1. Allocation of hours by LGA and training delivery program stream against Provision Plan
    • reflects Additional Digital and Employability places initiative strategic priorities and implementation strategy
    • equitable allocation of resources across the state according to learner demand
    • relevance of the proposed module to the Local Government Area (LGA) including local community needs and regional area priorities
    • the provider’s history of delivery to contract
    • capacity of the provider to meet delivery and reporting standards.

  2. Assessment of module delivery against strategic priorities and PQF 2013 and PQF+
    • alignment to the ACFE Board Strategy 2020–25 and priorities
    • clear focus on LLNED
    • quality of Module Plans and Session Plans, if not using centralised resources
    • alignment to PQF+ requirements, for new local modules
    • the module will either deliver:
      • general digital literacy skills or
      • employability skills with a digital focus
    • the module is targeted at the needs of educationally disadvantaged adults
    • evidence of module evaluation/moderation, if not using centralised resources.

Reporting and payment dates

2025 ACFE Board Pre-accredited Training Programs reporting guidelines, payments information and payment and reporting schedule.

Reporting guidelines

Providers must report government funded pre-accredited training delivery, in SVTS, by the following milestone dates in 2025, as a minimum:

  • 31 March 2025
  • 31 May 2025
  • 31 July 2025
  • 30 September 2025, and
  • 15 November 2025.

Providers should report final data in December 2025, so any data issues can be addressed. The deadline for 2025 final data reporting is 15 January 2026.

Providers are encouraged to report delivery, monthly through the Learn Local provider’s Student Management System (SMS), to the Skills Victoria Training System (SVTS), to support accurate advice to the ACFE Board and strategic analysis of training delivery.

Reporting is required against each milestone, even if no additional enrolment data is being uploaded. Where no additional training has been delivered since the last milestone date, a 'nil' report must be submitted.

Where Learn Local providers do not report training delivery by the milestone due dates, the department will follow up via the regional offices to assist you to meet requirements.

Meeting milestone reporting dates is a contract requirement and is essential to enable the department and the ACFE Board to effectively monitor training delivery.

Payment of government subsidies, loadings and concession rebates outlined in the next section is contingent on the accurate and timely reporting of data to the department.

Data not successfully uploaded into SVTS will be deemed training not delivered.

The Victorian VET Student Statistical Data Collection Guidelines is the primary reference when reporting data to SVTS. Specific exceptions relating to agreed Service Agreement and Delivery Plan will be detailed in the 2025 Pre-accredited Training Data Reporting Guidelines.

Where providers have difficulty meeting SVTS reporting requirements, they must log an enquiry in the SVTS system as a matter of urgency, for appropriate action.

For further information refer to the 2024 Pre-accredited Training Data Reporting Guidelines located on the Learn Local sector website. The Victorian VET Student Statistical Data Collection Guidelines can be downloaded from the Victorian Government website.


Government subsidy

The subsidy per student contact hour (SCH) is $9.35.

Contracted providers will have their payment released following completion of the relevant ACFE Training Service Plan Milestone.

It is expected that 100% of contracted student contact hours will be delivered.

Following the payment’s processing in SAMS2, it will appear in the organisation’s bank account. This may take at least 5 to 10 working days or more, depending on payment processing dates.

Providers must ensure accurate contact information is maintained, including:

  • signatories
  • bank account changes
  • organisational details including legal name
  • insurance.

General Pre-accredited and Additional Digital and Employability Places

2025 Payment & Reporting Schedule

Processing date
Payment percentage (%)Cumulative payment percentage (%)Requirement for release of payment
1February35%35%Contract execution
2April25%60%25% enrolments reported by 31 March 2025
3Non-payment milestone0%0%Non-financial progress report by 31 May 2025
4August20%80%55% enrolments reported by 31 July 2025
5October20%100%75% enrolments reported by 30 September 2025
6Non-payment milestone0%0%Non-financial data check report by 15 November 2025

Module fees and charges

Fees and charges for training and further education are set by the provider.

A government subsidised module attracts the level of contribution set by the Minister for Skills and TAFE and is subject to other conditions set by the Minister.

Fees and charges by providers need to align to the Guidelines about Fees. Access the guidelines through the Learn Local sector website.

Regional loading

A 25 per cent loading applies for regional pre-accredited training delivery. The regional loading has been increased from 20 per cent to 25 per cent for 2025 delivery. This is intended to increase regional participation in the context of the persistent challenge of achieving viable class sizes in regional areas (Appendix 1).

The increase in regional loading rate aligns with the updated Skills First accredited training regional loading rate.

Regional loading is calculated on student contact hours delivered, based on the base subsidy rate for the delivery year.

The first payment of the pre-accredited regional loading will be processed and paid in the first semester of 2025. The second payment will be processed based on a reconciliation of 2025 training delivery data reported in SVTS for eligible delivery hours and will be paid in May 2026.

Koorie loading

A 50 per cent loading applies for Koorie learners in pre-accredited training.

The loading aims to increase engagement of Koorie learners in pre-accredited training and support Koorie communities.

The Koorie loading is calculated on student contact hours delivered to learners who identify as Indigenous, based on the base subsidy rate for the year of delivery.

A regional loading is applied in addition to the Koorie Loading for reported pre-accredited training delivery in identified postcodes.

The first Koorie loading payment will be processed and paid in the first semester of 2025. The subsequent payment will be processed and paid in the first semester of 2026.

Learn Local providers should refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Data Collection Guidelines for information on the Indigenous Status Identifier, regarding learner self-identification. Download the guidelines from the Victorian Government website.

Koorie access fee waiver

A Koorie access fee waiver will be introduced for 2025 pre-accredited training delivery.

The tuition fee waiver aims to support Koorie learner participation. The introduction of the tuition fee waiver aligns with the introduction of an Aboriginal access fee waiver for Skills First accredited training delivery.

Consistent with the Skills First Aboriginal access fee waiver, Learn Local providers must not charge a tuition fee to ACFE funded pre-accredited training students who self-identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. Providers must retain a copy of the enrolment form on which the student self-identified as Indigenous as evidence of their entitlement.

Visit Skills First for further information.

Fee concession arrangements for pre-accredited delivery

Some learners in pre-accredited programs are eligible for fee concessions. Eligibility categories in 2024 Data Entry and Reporting Guidelines will carry over to 2025. See the Pre-accredited Training Data Entry and Reporting Guidelines for further information.

Providers are reimbursed for a proportion of the revenue foregone by granting fee concessions to learners in government subsidised pre-accredited programs.

Final SVTS reconciled data is the source for calculating these payments.

Ensure concessions are flagged appropriately when uploading your statistical data to SVTS, to be considered for reimbursement.

Training Delivery Support Grant (TDSG)

The Training Delivery Support Grant (TDSG) provides funds to eligible providers to purchase resources or equipment. It supports delivery of quality programs and services to learners facing barriers to participation and attainment in education and training.

A grant of $5,500 (excluding GST) will be paid to contracted providers that have a 2025 pre-accredited training contract with the ACFE Board.

Providers must submit their 2025 Training Delivery Support Grant Purchase Plan to their Regional Manager for approval.

Refer to the Training Delivery Support Guidelines on the Learn Local sector website for more information.

Reconciliation of delivery hours

Contracted providers are required to deliver to their SCH targets as defined in their SAMS2 contract and approved Delivery Plan for 2024.

The ACFE Board will require contracted providers to repay unacquitted funds as part of the annual reconciliation of reported data against the program contract and approved Delivery Plan.

Reconciliation is based on SCH reported in SVTS against contracted SCH targets.

Providers must:

  • regularly monitor delivery and reporting of General Pre-accredited and Additional Digital and Employability Places training, and
  • put strategies in place to ensure that contract requirements are met.

Where providers identify a possible under-delivery against their contract, they should contact their regional office immediately to discuss a mitigation strategy.

The department may contact contracted providers where any issues are identified.

SAMS2 – Service Agreement

SAMS2 Service Agreement including recordkeeping, service plan, subcontracting/outsourcing, work experience and insurance for 2025 ACFE Board Pre-accredited Training Programs

The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) manages the Service Agreement Management System (SAMS2) on behalf of the Victorian Government.

Learn Local providers offered a pre-accredited training delivery grant enter into a Service Agreement in SAMS2.

The Service Agreement:

  • Defines the general terms and conditions on which it is made. For more information, see: Terms and Conditions of the Service Agreement.
  • Establishes the principles guiding the relationship between the ACFE Board and the provider.
  • Obtains the provider’s commitment to support government policies affecting adult, community and further education to Victorians.

More information about the Service Agreement is available on the DFFH SAMS2 Funded Agency Channel (FAC).


Section 6 of the Service Agreement details the requirements for Organisations to keep full and accurate records for all services delivered under the Agreement.

Service Plan

Service Plans listed in Schedule 2 of the Service Agreement, group together like service activities specific to a program area and identify the department/region/division/group providing funding. Service Plans are negotiated annually on behalf of the ACFE Board.

The Service Plan is based on the approved Delivery Plan. Providers proposing to vary their contracted Delivery Plans must obtain prior approval from the department before making any changes and commencing delivery.

A variation to the Delivery Plan that includes changes to training delivery program stream and payments, can only be requested during a formal variation window. Advice on variation windows will be provided during the year.

Where a variation to a provider’s Delivery Plan is approved, should the variation include a change in total student contact hours by program stream, a Variation to the Agreement will be made through SAMS2.

Please ensure that the approved financial delegate of your organisation approves any variation prior to submitting a request, via email to


As per ACFE Board procurement policy, Learn Local providers who are contracted to deliver training must not outsource this training to another organisation.

The department may identify or have brought to its attention by a Learn Local provider, a local pre-accredited training need that cannot be serviced by a contracted Learn Local provider. In these circumstances, the department will determine options for the ACFE Board’s consideration.

Alternative delivery arrangements or models will be offered to learners to meet provision needs.

Work experience

The ACFE Board’s work experience guidelines were developed to provide guidance for a group of pre-accredited students under supervision of a Learn Local trainer/teacher undertaking observational work experience.

Please note the ACFE Memo from 4 June 2024 regarding updated advice on work experience. Access the Pre-accredited work experience Memo through the Learn Local sector hub, located on your Dashboard in the Learn Local secure portal.

It is recommended that Learn Locals pause undertaking pre-accredited work experience and workplace-based training activities held at an external workplace until further advice is provided.

Please contact your regional office if you have any questions.


Under the Terms and Conditions of the Service Agreement, contracted providers who deliver pre-accredited training must ensure they have appropriate insurance coverage for their operation and business risks with one or more of the following:

  1. the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority or, if the Organisation is a Council, Liability Mutual Insurance
  2. an insurer authorised under the Insurance Act 1973 (Commonwealth)
  3. An insurer approved in writing by the Authority.

Contracted providers must:

  1. Provide the Authority with proof of the Organisation's insurance cover on request.
  2. Maintain appropriate insurance coverage for the Term, and, if those policies are underwritten on a 'claims made' basis, for no less than seven years after the completion of the Services.
  3. Undertake periodic reviews to make sure the Organisation's operational and business risks are adequately insured, particularly in regard to public and products liability and professional indemnity risks.


The Service Agreement Compliance Certificate (SACC) and how ACFE Board funded providers complete the SACC for 2025.

Service Agreement Compliance Certificate (SACC)

Providers funded by the ACFE Board are required to complete a Service Agreement Compliance Certification (SACC).

The SACC consists of a series of questions to be completed annually by the funded organisations, which certifies compliance with Service Agreement requirements. The questions relate to:

  1. Financial Management – that the organisation has used funding as outlined in their Service Agreement, is financially viable, has prepared its financial reports, and any audit reports, and maintains an asset register.
  2. Risk Management – that risks are managed in accordance with the Australian/New Zealand Risk Management Standard.
  3. Staff safety screening – that referee checks, police record checks and, if relevant, Working with Children Checks have been completed.
  4. Privacy – that the organisation’s practices and systems are compliant with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, Victoria, the Health Records Act 2001 and the Privacy Act 1988, Commonwealth, to protect personal and health information.
  5. Occupational Health and Safety – that the health and welfare of the staff employed are protected by organisation’s policies and practices in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 requirements.
  6. ACFE Board Business and Governance Status (BGS) – the organisation has submitted an up-to-date BGS assessment or is eligible for an exemption to the BGS requirement under the Business and governance status assessment guidelines.

By submitting a SACC form, organisations are making a commitment to the Authority that they have appropriate systems in place to comply with the relevant Service Agreement requirements.

How to complete the SACC form

The SACC notification will be emailed to your organisation via SAMS2 and is due 90 days after the end of your organisation's reporting period.

However, if your organisation's annual general meeting (AGM) is after the due date you can insert your organisation's AGM date in SAMS2 and the SACC due date will automatically update to 7 days after the AGM.

Organisations should ensure the Contacts tab in SAMS2 is updated regularly to avoid delays in this process.

  • The SACC will need to be completed in My Agency, the secure area of the Funded Agency Channel (FAC) website, where organisations update records and information regarding their funded services.
  • Within My Agency, registered users will enter the Service Agreement Module (SAM) and be required to complete and submit their organisation's SACC.
  • The SACC can be saved at any time, allowing for different areas of your organisation to individually complete different sections.
  • Once completed, the SACC should be submitted by an authorised person, such as the Director, Chairperson, Chief Executive Officer, President, Principal or Treasurer.

Further information about how to complete the SACC form is available on the DFFH SAMS2 Funded Agency Channel (FAC).

Communication with providers

How the ACFE Board communicates with providers. Who to contact if an ACFE funded provider requires assistance in 2025

The department, on behalf of the ACFE Board, provides regular memos, information and advice to providers. See notifications at Latest news for Learn Local providers.

In addition, provider forums and information sessions are arranged at regular intervals to give the department and providers the opportunity to meet and discuss issues, share experiences, knowledge and expertise. These can be face-to-face or electronically via forums and webinars.

Your regional office will provide further correspondence, information and support.

Who do I contact if I need assistance?

All enquiries regarding the Pre-accredited Training Delivery procurement process should be directed to your regional office. Contracted providers delivering across multiple department regions should contact the ACFE Sector Engagement and Support Unit.

South Western Victoria region (SWV)

NameContact emailContact phone number
Georgina Ryder, Manager 370 818
David Harris, Senior Project 410 846
Tamsin Rossiter, Senior Project 545 155
Peter McNabb, Project 8656 0548

South Eastern Victoria region (SEV)

NameContact emailContact phone number
Jeremy Brewer, Manager 378 076
Iwona Jonasz, Senior Project 717 460
Claudine Evans, Senior Project 998 405
Irene Desiatov, Project 8656 0490

North Western Victoria region (NWV)

NameContact emailContact phone number
Kaye Callaghan, Manager 186 461
Simon Flood, Senior Project 828 389
Paul Frye, Senior Project 9623 1208
Ashwini Prasad, Project 8656 0474

North Eastern Victoria Region (NEV)

NameContact emailContact phone number
Cathy Clark, Manager 351 775
Daniella Mayer, Senior Project 166 429
Giuseppe Posterino, Senior Project 205 444
Janine Summers Project 9623 1178

ACFE Sector Engagement and Support

NameContact emailContact phone number
Teresa Durka, 915 011
Andrew Kaighin, Senior Project 8656 0413
Jane Mancini, Senior Project 8656 0492
Denise Hilliger Senior Project 8656 0523
Anna Oxley, Project 8656 0416
Neisa Fattah, Project Support 8656 0541

Branding requirements

Learn Local Brand Guidelines, Publicity and Acknowledgement Guidelines and where acknowledgements are required, for 2025

Learn Local Brand Guidelines

The Learn Local brand toolkit is the official style guide for all visual aspects of the Learn Local brand. The toolkit guidelines contain the design specifications for each aspect of the brand identity, as well as explanations and examples of key principles and typical applications.

Publicity and Acknowledgement Guidelines

All providers are required to adhere to the Victorian Government Acknowledgement and Publicity Guidelines. If you have questions about these guidelines, please contact your regional office.

Under clause 4.16 of the Service Agreement, providers must acknowledge the funding support provided by the Victorian Government for the services funded.

This acknowledgement must be made in:

  • publications and publicity related to services funded – for example, websites, media releases, print and electronic documents and speeches/launches
  • An organisation’s annual report.

No acknowledgement is required for general administrative notices or messages such as weekly newsletters relating to operational aspects of the business.

These guidelines are focused on publications that directly relate to services funded by the Victorian Government.

By acknowledging this support, providers are informing the community about how public funding is spent.

For a copy of the current Acknowledgment and Publicity Guidelines, see Acknowledgement and publicity guidelines for Victorian Government funding support.

Useful links

Useful links for 2025 ACFE funded providers including Registration and Business and Governance Status assessment (BGS), Data Reporting and Learn Local Resources

Appendix 1 – ACFE approved regional loading postcodes

The list of ACFE approved postcodes where regional loading applies.

Please see below for the ACFE approved regional loading postcodes. This information can also be accessed in the PDF version of the 2025 Training Delivery Guidelines. Download from this page, or through the Learn Local sector hub, located on your Dashboard in the Learn Local secure portal.

Postcode ranges