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Reporting and payment dates

2025 ACFE Board Pre-accredited Training Programs reporting guidelines, payments information and payment and reporting schedule.

Reporting guidelines

Providers must report government funded pre-accredited training delivery, in SVTS, by the following milestone dates in 2025, as a minimum:

  • 31 March 2025
  • 31 May 2025
  • 31 July 2025
  • 30 September 2025, and
  • 15 November 2025.

Providers should report final data in December 2025, so any data issues can be addressed. The deadline for 2025 final data reporting is 15 January 2026.

Providers are encouraged to report delivery, monthly through the Learn Local provider’s Student Management System (SMS), to the Skills Victoria Training System (SVTS), to support accurate advice to the ACFE Board and strategic analysis of training delivery.

Reporting is required against each milestone, even if no additional enrolment data is being uploaded. Where no additional training has been delivered since the last milestone date, a 'nil' report must be submitted.

Where Learn Local providers do not report training delivery by the milestone due dates, the department will follow up via the regional offices to assist you to meet requirements.

Meeting milestone reporting dates is a contract requirement and is essential to enable the department and the ACFE Board to effectively monitor training delivery.

Payment of government subsidies, loadings and concession rebates outlined in the next section is contingent on the accurate and timely reporting of data to the department.

Data not successfully uploaded into SVTS will be deemed training not delivered.

The Victorian VET Student Statistical Data Collection Guidelines is the primary reference when reporting data to SVTS. Specific exceptions relating to agreed Service Agreement and Delivery Plan will be detailed in the 2025 Pre-accredited Training Data Reporting Guidelines.

Where providers have difficulty meeting SVTS reporting requirements, they must log an enquiry in the SVTS system as a matter of urgency, for appropriate action.

For further information refer to the 2024 Pre-accredited Training Data Reporting Guidelines located on the Learn Local sector website. The Victorian VET Student Statistical Data Collection Guidelines can be downloaded from the Victorian Government website.


Government subsidy

The subsidy per student contact hour (SCH) is $9.35.

Contracted providers will have their payment released following completion of the relevant ACFE Training Service Plan Milestone.

It is expected that 100% of contracted student contact hours will be delivered.

Following the payment’s processing in SAMS2, it will appear in the organisation’s bank account. This may take at least 5 to 10 working days or more, depending on payment processing dates.

Providers must ensure accurate contact information is maintained, including:

  • signatories
  • bank account changes
  • organisational details including legal name
  • insurance.

General Pre-accredited and Additional Digital and Employability Places

2025 Payment & Reporting Schedule

Processing date
Payment percentage (%)Cumulative payment percentage (%)Requirement for release of payment
1February35%35%Contract execution
2April25%60%25% enrolments reported by 31 March 2025
3Non-payment milestone0%0%Non-financial progress report by 31 May 2025
4August20%80%55% enrolments reported by 31 July 2025
5October20%100%75% enrolments reported by 30 September 2025
6Non-payment milestone0%0%Non-financial data check report by 15 November 2025

Module fees and charges

Fees and charges for training and further education are set by the provider.

A government subsidised module attracts the level of contribution set by the Minister for Skills and TAFE and is subject to other conditions set by the Minister.

Fees and charges by providers need to align to the Guidelines about Fees. Access the guidelines through the Learn Local sector website.

Regional loading

A 25 per cent loading applies for regional pre-accredited training delivery. The regional loading has been increased from 20 per cent to 25 per cent for 2025 delivery. This is intended to increase regional participation in the context of the persistent challenge of achieving viable class sizes in regional areas (Appendix 1).

The increase in regional loading rate aligns with the updated Skills First accredited training regional loading rate.

Regional loading is calculated on student contact hours delivered, based on the base subsidy rate for the delivery year.

The first payment of the pre-accredited regional loading will be processed and paid in the first semester of 2025. The second payment will be processed based on a reconciliation of 2025 training delivery data reported in SVTS for eligible delivery hours and will be paid in May 2026.

Koorie loading

A 50 per cent loading applies for Koorie learners in pre-accredited training.

The loading aims to increase engagement of Koorie learners in pre-accredited training and support Koorie communities.

The Koorie loading is calculated on student contact hours delivered to learners who identify as Indigenous, based on the base subsidy rate for the year of delivery.

A regional loading is applied in addition to the Koorie Loading for reported pre-accredited training delivery in identified postcodes.

The first Koorie loading payment will be processed and paid in the first semester of 2025. The subsequent payment will be processed and paid in the first semester of 2026.

Learn Local providers should refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Data Collection Guidelines for information on the Indigenous Status Identifier, regarding learner self-identification. Download the guidelines from the Victorian Government website.

Koorie access fee waiver

A Koorie access fee waiver will be introduced for 2025 pre-accredited training delivery.

The tuition fee waiver aims to support Koorie learner participation. The introduction of the tuition fee waiver aligns with the introduction of an Aboriginal access fee waiver for Skills First accredited training delivery.

Consistent with the Skills First Aboriginal access fee waiver, Learn Local providers must not charge a tuition fee to ACFE funded pre-accredited training students who self-identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. Providers must retain a copy of the enrolment form on which the student self-identified as Indigenous as evidence of their entitlement.

Visit Skills First for further information.

Fee concession arrangements for pre-accredited delivery

Some learners in pre-accredited programs are eligible for fee concessions. Eligibility categories in 2024 Data Entry and Reporting Guidelines will carry over to 2025. See the Pre-accredited Training Data Entry and Reporting Guidelines for further information.

Providers are reimbursed for a proportion of the revenue foregone by granting fee concessions to learners in government subsidised pre-accredited programs.

Final SVTS reconciled data is the source for calculating these payments.

Ensure concessions are flagged appropriately when uploading your statistical data to SVTS, to be considered for reimbursement.

Training Delivery Support Grant (TDSG)

The Training Delivery Support Grant (TDSG) provides funds to eligible providers to purchase resources or equipment. It supports delivery of quality programs and services to learners facing barriers to participation and attainment in education and training.

A grant of $5,500 (excluding GST) will be paid to contracted providers that have a 2025 pre-accredited training contract with the ACFE Board.

Providers must submit their 2025 Training Delivery Support Grant Purchase Plan to their Regional Manager for approval.

Refer to the Training Delivery Support Guidelines on the Learn Local sector website for more information.

Reconciliation of delivery hours

Contracted providers are required to deliver to their SCH targets as defined in their SAMS2 contract and approved Delivery Plan for 2024.

The ACFE Board will require contracted providers to repay unacquitted funds as part of the annual reconciliation of reported data against the program contract and approved Delivery Plan.

Reconciliation is based on SCH reported in SVTS against contracted SCH targets.

Providers must:

  • regularly monitor delivery and reporting of General Pre-accredited and Additional Digital and Employability Places training, and
  • put strategies in place to ensure that contract requirements are met.

Where providers identify a possible under-delivery against their contract, they should contact their regional office immediately to discuss a mitigation strategy.

The department may contact contracted providers where any issues are identified.
