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Private keeping of dingoes - Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions for the private keeping of dingoes.

Dingoes are protected wildlife under the Wildlife Act 1975 (Wildlife Act).

It is an offence to own a Dingo without holding an appropriate licence under the Wildlife Act.

Licences for the private keeping of Dingoes

To keep a Dingo as a pet (non-commercial use), you must hold a Dingo Licence.

There is no limit to how many Dingoes you keep under a Dingo Licence as long as you have appropriate enclosures. Local governments may have restrictions on how many animals a person can keep at their property. You will need to check with your local council regarding any restrictions.

Licences for the commercial keeping of Dingoes

Dingoes can be kept and displayed under a Wildlife Display Licence or under a Wildlife Demonstrator Licence with prior written approval.

Frequently asked questions about dingo licences
