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Reforming Victoria's authority to control wildlife system

We are progressing a range of measures to improve the authority to control wildlife (ATCW) system.

The ATCW system was set up to administer and regulate authorisations issued under the Wildlife Act 1975 for the control of wildlife.

Authorities can only be issued where wildlife is damaging property, crops or pasture, impacting biodiversity, or posing a risk to human health or safety. Find more information on our ATCW page.

Feedback themes and improvements

Improvements are informed by feedback received from stakeholders and the public through a review that started in late 2017.

The review explored potential actions under the following themes:

  • Theme 1: Application process
  • Theme 2: Decision making
  • Theme 3: Compliance monitoring and enforcement
  • Theme 4: Traditional Owner involvement in the ATCW system
  • Theme 5: Information provision

Some of the reforms that have already been made are summarised below under each of the key themes from the review:

Theme 1: The application process

Feedback on the process to apply for an ATCW revealed it can be difficult, time consuming and limited guidance on how to apply. This can lead to some people undertaking wildlife control without the appropriate approvals. We are committed to improving the efficiency and clarity of the application process so complying with the law is as straightforward as possible. Improvements we're delivering:

Theme 2: Decision making

Feedback to the review highlighted frustration with the time taken to assess and issue, or reject, an ATCW as well as the consistency in the decisions that were being made by officers in different regions. Improvements we're delivering:

Theme 3: Compliance monitoring and enforcement

This theme explored potential ways that the regulator can better ensure ATCW holders are complying with their authorisations. Improvements we are delivering:

Theme 4: Traditional Owner involvement in the ATCW system

As custodians of the land Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians have managed the land and the native animals that inhabit it sustainably for thousands of generations using traditional ecological knowledge. This not only benefits their own wellbeing, but also the natural environment and the Victorian community. This is why it is important to consider Traditional Owners in the ATCW system. Improvements we're delivering:

Theme 5: Information provision

Providing clear and useful information to the community about regulatory systems is a key responsibility of a modern and transparent regulator. Improvements we're delivering:

We would like to thank all those that have shown interest in this review, particularly those that took the time to submit responses.

Visit here to view the Engage Vic page.
