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Wildlife in commercial films

Written permission is needed to use wildlife (whether whole or part, living or dead) in commercial films to ensure animal welfare and human safety.

Wildlife can be adversely affected by filming and photography. If done incorrectly, these activities can:

  • cause stress to the animal
  • result in animals getting injured when frightened by activities
  • habituate wildlife to the presence of humans which can then pose risks for their future wellbeing.
  • impact the safety of humans involved in the commercial filming if not undertaken appropriately.
  • encourage inappropriate or dangerous behaviour which may be emulated by members of the public.

Commercial films as defined in the Wildlife Regulations includes but is not limited to, commercial films, theatrical productions, television productions, and advertisements. Please note that this definition does not include photography as per the Filming Approval Act 2014.

Application process

Licensed Wildlife Displayers or Demonstrators who'd like to provide wildlife for use in a commercial film must apply for permission from the Conservation Regulator. Applications must be made 6-8 weeks in advance.

A licensed Wildlife Displayer or Demonstrator may provide wildlife for use commercial films, in accordance with their wildlife licence conditions. Licence-holders require prior written approval before allowing wildlife to be used in a commercial film.

Approval for filming will only occur when:

  • wildlife will not be endangered, killed, stressed or abused either intentionally or inadvertently by proposed activities;
  • wildlife that is sick, injured, diseased or stressed or not self-sufficient will not be used for filming; and
  • the proposed production does not portray or create an impression that the abuse or misuse of wildlife is acceptable or desirable.

Wildlife Controllers may not display or film their control activities to the public under any circumstances. This includes in commercial films or photography. This is because controller activities can be dangerous and require specialised skills. Display (including display of films) may encourage members of the public to mimic the activities.

Download and submit your application:

Application to use wildlife in commercial films v24.2
Word 84.95 KB
(opens in a new window)

For more information, contact our Customer Service Centre:

Filming wildlife in the wild

Specific written authorisation is not required under the Wildlife Act 1975 to film wildlife in the wild, provided the wildlife is not in any way confined, controlled, deliberately disturbed or manipulated during filming. Permission may be required from the relevant land manager.
