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Sourcing firewood

There are strict rules in place about when, where, and what you can collect to protect wildlife habitat and keep our trees and forests healthy. It’s also important, when buying firewood, to know where it comes from to avoid inadvertently supporting illegal firewood theft.

Taskforce Ironbark

This year the Conservation Regulator and Parks Victoria are cracking down on illegal firewood theft from Victoria’s public land through Taskforce Ironbark. The Taskforce aims to disrupt the illegal firewood trade and minimise impacts on the health of our parks, forests and reserves, while also promoting responsible firewood consumption.

Illegal firewood activity has emerged as a top priority for the Conservation Regulator to address, given the significant risk it poses to critical wildlife habitats and ecosystems, as well as Aboriginal cultural heritage.

Take action today by reporting suspicious firewood activity to 136 186, choosing sustainable alternatives, and supporting trusted firewood operators/sellers.

Things to note

Authorised Officers patrol state forests
  • Authorised Officers conduct regular patrols in state forests to help protect biodiversity and keep people safe. Failure to follow the rules may result in penalties, such as on-the-spot fines or court prosecutions.
Contact us for more information or to report suspicious activity
  • For more information on any of the topics mentioned on this website, or to report something suspicious, you can contact us on 136 186.
