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Training Needs List

Supports training providers to plan their program delivery. It reports the level of program delivery required to meet skills needs in each region and across Victoria.

What is the Training Needs List?

The Training Needs List (TNL) combines and replaces the Funded Course and Funded Skill Sets lists. It also replaces the regional Jobs and Training Needs Reports.

The TNL reports the courses and skill sets subsidised by the Victorian Government under Skills First. It includes programs that:

  • align with industry needs and workforce demands
  • have strong job outcomes, such as apprenticeships
  • meet social needs, such as foundation skill courses
  • represent government priorities, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), responding to family violence and completing Victoria's infrastructure projects.

The TNL supports training providers by helping them plan their program delivery based on training needs. It reports the level of program delivery required to meet skills needs in each region and across Victoria.

You can find subsidy rates in the Funded Programs Report via the Skills Victoria Training System.

The Training Needs Portal

The portal is an interactive dashboard. Training providers can use it to identify vocational and educational training demands across Victoria. It reports the anticipated training needs and the required change in provision for each funded program.

Users can explore training needs by region, program and occupation. They can also generate custom reports by program list.

Using the portal

The portal contains all Skills First funded programs. This includes their associated occupations, enrolment types and anticipated training needs. It also includes required changes in provision at state and regional levels.

Please refer to the User Guide within the portal for instructions on how to use the TNL Portal.

Adding programs to the TNL

To nominate a new program for inclusion in the TNL, complete a business case request. Then, submit the request to We encourage providers to consult with the relevant Industry Advisory Group before submitting a business case.

Download the Training Needs List business case template:
