The Fire Services Implementation Monitor’s (FSIM’s) Year Four annual report delivers on the FSIM’s functions under section 131(1) of the Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958 (FRV Act).
The report provides an independent assessment of progress made by the Country Fire Authority (CFA), Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS), Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) and the Firefighters Registration Board (FRB) in implementing the Year 2-5 Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan actions.
Fire Services Reform
The 2017 Fire Services Statement outlines the government’s vision for a modern, sustainable and interoperable fire service that will keep Victorians safe.
On 1 July 2020, the Victorian Government commenced implementing Victoria’s new fire services model by establishing FRV as a career firefighting organisation and by restoring CFA to a community-based, volunteer firefighting organisation.
The Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan provides a roadmap for how agencies will work individually and jointly to achieve the government’s ten-year vision for reform.
Fire Services Implementation Monitor
FSIM was established as an independent entity in July 2020 under section 122 of the FRV Act to provide assurance to government and the community on progress towards a modern fire service for a safer Victoria.
FSIM monitors and reports on agencies’ progress to deliver relevant actions in the Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan and assesses the effectiveness of agencies’ actions.
FSIM publishes its findings in annual reports that are tabled in Parliament every year.