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Local transport in Victoria

Local and community transport serves to bridge gaps and meet the needs of Victorians who don’t drive, have difficulty accessing public transport or live where there is limited public transport.

We support local transport initiatives through our Flexible Local Transport Solutions Program.

New legislation also makes it easier for councils and community transport operators to deliver commercial services for a fee.

Flexible Local Transport Solutions Program

The Flexible Local Transport Solutions Program (FLTSP) provides Victorian Government funding to local government and community organisations for small-scale transport projects, particularly in regional Victoria.

The program provides financial support to help seed small-scale initiatives across Victoria that address transport disadvantages, integrate with other local transport options, and improve transport access.

Funding is available for organisations to collaborate with the Victorian Government in response to a local transport need, particularly where other local transport solutions do not exist.

The program generally funds projects that:

  • drive reform and innovation in the delivery of transport services
  • deliver small capital projects that contribute to an integrated network
  • promote inclusion in remote, disadvantaged, and Indigenous communities
  • recognise, respect, and celebrate Aboriginal cultural heritage
  • support transport planning at a local level to help inform future needs.

Further information and case studies on projects previously supported by the program are below.

If you have a question or an idea for improving transport in your area, contact our Regional Transport team on to discuss.

Further information

Changes to the commercial passenger vehicle industry

In 2018, the Victorian Government made changes to the taxi and hire car industry (now known as the commercial passenger vehicle industry) to improve passenger choice and safety and make it cheaper and easier for companies to provide these services.

The reforms provide new opportunities for community transport providers to deliver commercial passenger vehicle services in addition to charitable services.

Community and local transport providers may consider entering the commercial passenger vehicle industry to provide an income stream to support their charitable transport services.

Registration and accreditation requirements may apply.

Community transport providers considering expanding their scope of services to include commercial services can contact Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria on 1800 638 802 or to find out more.

Councils and community transport providers thinking about delivering commercial passenger vehicle services should also seek independent advice about the tax, legal and financial implications for their organisation

Case studies
