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Transport Zone consent

The Transport Zone was introduced into all Victorian Planning Schemes in January 2022 to implement the vision, objectives and principles of the Transport Integration Act 2010.

The consent of the Head, Transport for Victoria is required when any person, other than a relevant transport manager, applies for a planning permit on land zoned Transport Zone 1 or Transport Zone 2.

Land zoned Transport Zone 1 applies to state transport infrastructure, including railways.

If the land is on a railway, the proponent should contact VicTrack at who will arrange for the Head, Transport for Victoria to provide a letter of consent.

For all other land zoned Transport Zone 1, contact the relevant Department of Transport and Planning statutory planning team.

Land zoned Transport Zone 2 applies to roads that form the principal road network, including declared arterial roads.

If the Head, Transport for Victoria’s consent is required to apply for a planning permit on land zoned Transport Zone 2, please contact

Any letter of consent provided by the Head, Transport for Victoria under Clause 36.04-3 of a Planning Scheme is only consent to lodge a planning permit application.

Additional approvals from the Head, Transport for Victoria, Department of Transport and Planning, or other authorities may be required before use or development can proceed.

Please contact the relevant Department of Transport and Planning statutory planning team if you have any queries.
