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Signs and planning permits

On this page, you will find information regarding signs, where a planning permit is required.

You can use our planning process glossary to help explain any technical terms included on this page.

When a planning permit is required for a sign

There are many different types of signs which can be used for a variety of purposes. This can include signs to advertise business names, short-term special events, and third-party commercial advertising.

To erect a sign may require planning approval from your local council.

Clause 52.05 of the Planning Scheme(opens in a new window) sets out the different planning permit requirements for signs.

These requirements seek to ensure that proposed signs:

  • are compatible with the amenity and visual appearance of an area
  • don’t cause loss of amenity or negatively affect the natural or built environment
  • don’t impact the safety, appearance, or efficiency of a road.

Sign types are defined under clause 73 of the Victoria Planning Provisions(opens in a new window).

When the Department of Transport and Planning becomes involved

If you are seeking a planning permit for an animated or electronic sign, within 60m of a freeway or arterial road, the planning permit application will be referred to the Department of Transport and Planning for assessment. This is done under Clause 52.05 of the Victoria Planning Provisions(opens in a new window).

The Department of Transport and Planning is required to consider every application and advise the council that either the application:

  • is supported
  • is supported, subject to specific conditions being met
  • is objected to by the Department of Transport and Planning.

If the Department of Transport and Planning objects to the referred application, the council must refuse the application for the planning permit.

In some instances, a local council may give the Department of Transport and Planning notice of an application if they believe a sign may impact land managed or owned by the Department of Transport and Planning. The opinion of the Department of Transport and Planning on an application sent in this way is not binding on council but may be considered.

Why the Department of Transport and Planning becomes involved

The Department of Transport and Planning has an obligation under the Transport Integration Act 2010(opens in a new window) to ensure the transport network is efficient and safe for all road users.

Road safety aspects include both the physical impacts resulting from a sign and the potential for distraction caused by the sign.

Driver distraction has been identified as a safety hazard for road users, so it’s important to ensure that any potentially distracting material, such as advertising signs are placed in an appropriate location and subject to appropriate conditions.

What the Department of Transport and Planning takes into consideration

All planning permit applications are individually assessed on their merits, taking into account what is proposed, the local context, and the surrounding road/transport network.

In its assessment, the Department of Transport and Planning will consider various potential impacts including:

  • location and orientation of the proposed sign
  • luminance of the proposed sign in line with the Department of Transport and Planning Requirements and Guidelines
  • complexity of the surrounding area for transport users
  • road safety
  • efficiency of the transport network and future improvement works planned.

Any other aspects considered will depend on the individual application.

Department of Transport and Planning Requirements and Guidelines for Illuminated Outdoor Advertising Signage
PDF 231 KB
(opens in a new window)

Contesting a decision

If you are unhappy with a referral response from the Department of Transport and Planning, it’s recommended that you first discuss the response with the relevant the Department of Transport and Planning officer (listed on the referral response).

My sign doesn’t require planning permission

Some types of signs do not require planning permission. It’s recommended that you contact your local council to discuss any proposal prior to the lodgement of a planning permit application.

Where a sign does not require planning permission, it may still need consent under the Road Management Act 2004(opens in a new window). This may include:

  • temporary community messaging signs
  • gateway signs
  • tourist signs
  • variable message signs.

In addition, any sign placed within the road reserve of the Department of Transport and Planning’s controlled road will require approval from the Department of Transport and Planning.

Potentially unsafe signs

If you see a sign that you believe is a safety hazard, it is recommended that you contact your local council in writing and forward a copy of this information to the Department of Transport and Planning.

You may be concerned about the sign for a physical reason or due to its distracting nature.

If a sign has been illegally installed or is in breach of its planning permit conditions, your local council or the Department of Transport and Planning can take enforcement proceeding through the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
