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Rail access pricing and guidelines

Specifying and publishing maximum prices and guidelines for rail access.

Rail access maximum prices notice

Rail Management Act 1996


We, Gabrielle Williams, Minister for Public and Active Transport, and the Hon Melissa Horne, Minister for Ports and Freight, responsible for administering the Rail Management Act 1996, having regard to the matters specified under section 38J(2) of that Act, specify the maximum prices for declared rail transport services provided by Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM), V/Line, Victorian Rail Track (VicTrack) and Pacific National, by means of a declared rail network, contained in the Schedule to this notice for the financial year 2024 to 2025.

Where a term used in this notice is defined in the Rail Management Act 1996, it has the meaning given to it in the Rail Management Act 1996.

This notice comes into operation on 1 July 2024.

Maximum prices for declared rail transport services

The prices below are for the FY 2024/20251 .

Services Maximum prices Unit 
Grain loop (fixed fee) 
Per train 
Variable (non-grain) 
Per ‘000’ Gross Tonne Kilometre (GTK) 
Variable (grain) 
Per ‘000’ Gross Tonne Kilometre (GTK) 
Cancellation charge, total planned path ? 100km (fixed fee) 
Per cancellation 
Cancellation charge, total planned path >100km (fixed fee) 
Per cancellation 


2This is a flat rate and not subject to CPI increase.

3This is a flat rate and not subject to CPI increase.

Maximum prices for services provided by MTM

Services Maximum prices Unit 
Per ‘000’ Gross Tonne Kilometre (GTK) 

Maximum prices for V/Line’s access to MTM’s network

Per Kilometre 

Maximum prices for services provided by VicTrack

Services Maximum prices Unit 
Per locomotive per 24-hour period
Per wagon per 24-hour period
Per carriage per 24-hour period

Maximum prices for services provided by Pacific National

Services (refer below table for definitions of Reference services) Maximum prices Unit 
Reference service 1 
(a) Operator establishment fee  
Per hour 
Plus 1(b) Train processing charge 
- Option A 
Per train 
- Option B 
Per TEU loaded/unloaded train 
(b) (ii) TEU handing charge  
Reference service 2: Extended container storage 
Per TEU per day (excluding Sunday) 
Reference service 3: Dangerous goods management 
Per TEU 
Reference service 4: Locomotive storage 
Per 100 metres per hour 
Reference service 5: Wagon storage 
Per 100 metres per hour 
Reference service 6: Truck driver induction 
Per induction course of up to a maximum of four attendees  
Reference service 7: Locomotive driver induction 
Per induction course of up to a maximum of four attendees 
Reference service 8: Shunting in addition 
- Option A 
Per hour 
- Option B 
Per hour 
Reference service 9: Administrative service 
Per hour 

In the Schedule to this notice:

Cancellation Fee means a fee payable by an access seeker to compensate the access provider for its administrative costs and loss of amenity in reserving a path for an access provider. It is imposed in accordance with the Rail Access Guidelines. This is a flat rate and not subject to CPI increase.

Grain loop means the North Geelong Grain Loop, which is a balloon loop that provides access to the GrainCorp grain rail unloading facility at the Port of Geelong.

Reference service 1 comprises two components:

(a) One off services:

The services which are provided on a one-off basis are:

  1. the establishment of an IT system interface between the access seeker and Pacific National; and
  2. system set up services which are provided for by an Operator Establishment Fee.

(b) Loading and unloading services in respect of trains of up to 1500 metres in respect of trains of up to 1500 metres, these services comprise:

  1. shunting - Break up of trains on arrival of up to four shunts to place onto loading roads or marshalling yard, removal of red cards and marshalling of train for departure. The Access Seeker (also known as “Access Holder”) can choose to have either Pacific National provide locomotive(s) and crew for only two of the four shunts (Option A) or for all four shunts (Option B) provided for in this service.
  2. truck in-gate process - Process to collect customer booking information, weigh the truck/trailer to obtain accurate container weight, integration of electronic information, inventory management of the container and notification by the Access Holder of the nature and description of any Dangerous Goods (which must be provided on arrival of the Dangerous Goods).
  3. unloading of train process - Unloading of containers from wagons onto truck or onto ground, moving of containers to storage area.
  4. loading of train process - Unloading containers from truck to ground, moving of containers to storage area if required, load containers from ground or storage area to wagon in compliance with the indicative load plan subject to the terms of the Terminal Protocol.
  5. attaching and detaching locomotives - Coordination of the detaching of locomotives on arrival and coordination of the attaching of outgoing locomotives before departure. Locomotives are to be crewed by the Access Holder.
  6. truck out-gate process - Completion of the truck visit to the terminal, matching of release numbers to container numbers and integration of electronic information for ending possession of the container.
  7. ongoing administration related to the management of Access Holder;
  8. customer interface; and (ix) basic container storage - Provision of an allowance of storage time for a container from time of arrival into the terminal till departure. For outgoing containers by rail 12 hours and incoming containers by rail 24 hours.

Reference service 2 comprises extended container storage beyond the allowance in basic container storage.

Reference service 3 comprises dangerous goods management - Management of dangerous goods in the terminal or on wagons in line with the Australian Dangerous Goods Code.

Reference service 4 comprises locomotive storage - Provision of track space for locomotives during the loading/unloading process.

Reference service 5 comprises wagon storage - Storage of any wagons not required for the outgoing service or any lay-over sets in line with the Access Holder's timetable.

Reference service 6 comprises truck driver induction - Truck driver inductions for any drivers not currently registered with Pacific National.

Reference service 7 comprises locomotive driver induction- Access Holder train driver inductions, yard familiarisation and Safety Interface Agreement procedures.

Reference service 8 comprises shunting in addition to that provided as part of Reference Service 1, with the locomotive and crew either provided by the Access Holder (Option A) or by Pacific National (Option B).

Reference service 9 comprises administration services if additional manual administration is required by the access seeker.

Services means the declared rail transport services for which maximum prices are specified.

TEU stands for Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit - the dimensions are equal to that of a standard 20 foot shipping container.

Variable Non-Grain means a charge per 000 Gross Tonne Kilometre for all trains other than bulk (hopper wagon) grain trains.

Variable Grain means a charge for hopper wagon trains carrying all forms of grain.

Rail Access Guidelines Order

Rail Management Act 1996


We, Gabrielle Williams, Minister for Public and Active Transport, and the Hon Melissa Horne, Minister for Ports and Freight, responsible for administering Part 2A of the Rail Management Act 1996, order that the rail access guidelines be published, with reference to section 38I of that Act.

Where a term used in this notice is defined in the Rail Management Act 1996, it has the meaning given to it in the Rail Management Act 1996.

This notice comes into operation on 1 July 2024.

Rail Access Guidelines

These Guidelines outline the terms and conditions for rail access. According to the Rail Management Act 1996, they include instructions on:

  • How access providers should prioritise passenger trains
  • How to manage and notify about temporary railway track closures
  • How to handle and communicate the availability of freight train paths

Additionally, the Guidelines cover:

  • How long rail access arrangements must last
  • How to extend the duration of rail access arrangements
  • The process for changing rail access arrangements
  • How to resolve disputes between access providers and those seeking access to declared rail transport services

These Guidelines explain what an Access Arrangement should include and help with negotiating Access Agreements. They also provide practical advice on setting maximum rail access prices.

Victorian Rail Access Regime Guidelines June 2024
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Rail Freight Network Capability Statement

We’ve developed the Statement of Freight Network Capability (Statement) to clearly state the rail network’s capability and when it's available for carrying goods.

This statement is meant to make things clear for both customers and the operators who run the trains and helps achieve the goals we set in the Government ‘s 2018 Freight Plan - Delivering the Goods.

If there are any material changes in the rail network's standards, capacity, use, or availability, a new Statement will be made.

It's important to remember that the information is just a guide, we encourage everyone involved to check with the network managers for the most accurate information.

Victoria’s rail infrastructure Statement of Freight Network Capability October 2023
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