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Inner west planning

We are focused on balancing the needs of inner west residents and industry with the efficiency and operation of the wider transport network.

Recent studies have taken an in-depth look at the movement of pedestrians, cyclists, public transport, cars and trucks in the inner west, both now and in the future, helping identify improvements we can make along the way.

Inner west transport studies

We’ve worked with inner west councils and community representatives over several years to identify measures to improve transport connections and liveability in the inner west.

These studies will guide the Department of Transport and Planning and local planners in the ongoing development of the western metropolitan transport network and ensure consistent and integrated transport responses.

Importantly, the studies will provide sound support for future transport investment in the area.

Millers Road and Williamstown Road Corridor Study
PDF 601.31 KB
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HBTPS - Network Challenges Report
PDF 1.41 MB
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HBTPS - Network Investigations Technical Report
PDF 5.83 MB
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Inner west truck curfews

We’re working with local government, industry and the community to clarify curfews and restrictions for trucks moving through Melbourne’s inner west.

A significant number of trucks travel through the inner west on their way to and from the Port of Melbourne, as well as for local deliveries.

To reduce impacts on the local community, particularly in terms of truck noise and emissions, time and mass-based curfews and restrictions have been in place on local roads throughout the inner west since 2015.

With West Gate Tunnel works underway and ongoing impacts of COVID-19 on the supply chain and freight network, it’s timely to make sure all road users understand what the restrictions mean for them.

We’ve taken the following steps to make the restrictions clearer, protecting local amenity and air quality, and improving safety for everyone:

  • created a simple guide to educate truck drivers about where and when they can travel through Melbourne’s inner west, and help industry better plan their journey to the port; available in several languages
  • installing additional, clearer signage on Somerville Road, Whitehall Street, Williamstown Road, and Geelong Road identifying the types of trucks not permitted to use the road
  • launched an innovative heavy vehicle monitoring camera to capture data on compliance and detect, identify, categorise, and report on different heavy vehicle types using Somerville Road.

The outcomes of the first heavy vehicle monitoring camera on Somerville Road will help determine the roll-out of the technology on other key routes in the inner west.

These actions will also assist us in continuing to progress a monitoring and compliance response strategy for routes in the inner west subject to truck bans when the West Gate Tunnel opens.

Truck curfews inner west
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Truck curfews_inner west_Factsheet_A4_Q_Greek
PDF 604.82 KB
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Truck curfews_inner west_Factsheet_A4_Q_Italian
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Truck curfews_inner west_Factsheet_A4_Q_Macedonian
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Truck curfews_inner west_Factsheet_A4_Q_Simplified Chinese
PDF 823.78 KB
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Truck curfews_inner west_Factsheet_A4_Q_Traditional Chinese
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Truck curfews_inner west_Factsheet_A4_Q_Vietnamese
PDF 572.38 KB
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Port of Melbourne Container Logistics Study

We’ve worked with the Port of Melbourne on a Container Logistics Chain Study to better understand container origins and destinations.

The study provides a current picture of container movements along the supply chain across Victoria and interstate, examining the port’s container flow, trends and changes since the last study in 2009, and the impact and nature of growth in container volumes.

Knowing how containers moves through and around the inner west helps us identify more efficient ways to separate freight from residential areas and develop sustainable solutions to our growing freight task.

Victorian Commercial Ports Strategy

The Victorian Government has released Navigating our Port Futures: The Victorian Commercial Ports Strategy (the Strategy) as a response to the Independent Review of the Victorian Ports System, actioning the industry's desire for a State-wide vision for the sector.

Navigating our Port Futures is supported by four strategic objectives and associated priority actions that will guide the State’s action over the next five years. Objectives and actions will be reviewed and updated every five years over the 30-year horizon of the Strategy.

The Victorian Government’s 30-year strategy, vision and action plan position our ports system to grow and thrive.
It is a significant step in delivering on the actions outlined in Victoria’s Freight Plan and putting in place a pathway for the future of the Victorian ports sector.

Find out more by viewing the Victorian Commercial Ports Strategy webpage.
