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Voluntary Port Performance Model

The Voluntary Port Performance Model (VPPM) was developed following a review of pricing and access at the Port of Melbourne to increase the transparency of the pricing of stevedore terminal charges and agree to a set of performance indicators.

Port of Melbourne is an economic asset for the whole state, contributing $6 billion each year to Victoria’s economy.

We undertook a review of pricing and access at the Port of Melbourne as the first state-based review of the stevedore infrastructure charges, giving us a comprehensive picture of pricing and access at the Port of Melbourne from the wharf to the port gate.

In May 2020, the Ports and Freight Minister advised the industry of the intention of the Victorian Government to create a Voluntary Port of Melbourne Performance Model.

We’ve now created a state-based Voluntary Port Performance Model to increase the transparency of pricing of stevedore terminal charges and agree to a set of performance indicators that are consistent, measurable, and meaningful.

The new Voluntary Port Performance Model has been developed in close consultation with port stevedores, transport operators, transport bodies, and the Port of Melbourne.

We’ve introduced:

  • Voluntary Pricing Protocol in July 2020. This is Victoria’s commitment to fair pricing and transparency at our ports which establishes clear protocols for notification periods for price increases or the introduction of any new landside charges, explanation of price increases, and the timing of price changes. New notice periods improve consistency with other jurisdictions, including at Port Botany.
  • Voluntary Performance Monitoring Framework which will include the development of performance indicators to provide transparency to industry and Government on the performance of the Port of Melbourne landside container supply chain.

Further action remains open to government if the voluntary model doesn’t address industry concerns and further action is warranted.
