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Key freight projects

The Victorian Government's freight plan, Delivering the Goods, will ensure Victoria’s freight and logistics system meets the needs of a growing freight task, population and economy. We have invested in projects across Victoria to support the efficient movement of freight, including the Murray Basin Rail Project, Port Rail Shuttle Project, bridge strengthening for freight and regional freight route upgrades.

Freight projects

The Victorian Freight Plan: Delivering the Goods and Moving More with Less: High Productivity Freight Vehicle Plan outlines our plans to achieve an efficient, safe and sustainable freight and logistics system that enhances Victoria’s economic prosperity and liveability.

The freight and logistics sector contributes $21 billion to Victoria’s economy and employs about 260,000 Victorians. Freight volumes are predicted to increase from around 360 million tonnes in 2014 to nearly 900 million tonnes in 2051.

Maintaining and investing in our freight network is essential to ensure the movement of freight and creation of jobs across all parts of the economy.

Select a link below for more information about our current freight projects.
