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Hampstead and Williamson roads and Omar Street temporary lane closures

We’re building a new tram maintenance and stabling facility for Melbourne’s new next-generation G Class trams on part of the 61 – 71 Hampstead Road site in Maidstone. The accessible, comfortable, and energy-efficient next-generation G Class trams will start testing on the network from 2025. The new trams will service routes 57, 59 and 82.

What we’re doing

We’re installing communication cables on Williamson and Hampstead roads and on Omar Street.

Where and when we’ll be working

We’ll be working on sections of these roads intermittently throughout February. All works will occur between 9am to 3pm, outside of peak times.

Changes to the way you travel

  • Drivers can expect reduced speed limits and temporary closure of the left lanes.
  • Tram and bus services will not be affected.
  • Access to businesses, residential properties and footpaths will be maintained.

Please follow reduced speed limits and the direction of traffic controllers and any signage in place. Temporary impacts are shown on the map over the page.

Map of Hampstead Road lane closures.

Get in touch

For more information about the Maidstone tram maintenance and stabling facility please visit

If you have any questions, please email, or call 1800 105 105 anytime. For languages other than English call 9209 0147.

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