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Transport conduct regulations

The Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) (Conduct on Public Transport) Regulations 2015 introduced Victorian public transport conduct requirements for bus, train and tram passengers.

The Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) (Conduct on Public Transport) Regulations 2015(opens in a new window) were made by the Governor in Council on 23 June 2015 and commenced operation on 27 June 2015. The regulations replace the Transport (Conduct) Regulations 2005 and parts of the Transport (Passenger Vehicles) Regulations 2005.

The regulations establish an integrated set of conduct requirements for all Victorian public transport for the first time, by merging bus passenger conduct offences with train and tram passenger conduct offences.

The regulations aim to improve safety and comfort for those travelling on public transport, and using public transport premises, by prescribing matters which prohibit unsafe and antisocial behaviour.

The regulations add new offences, remove outdated offences, broaden some regulations and increase some maximum court penalties.

The regulations were developed for the approval of the Minister of Public Transport by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources and involved consultation with public transport operators and the community.

Notice of decision

A draft of the proposed regulations and a Regulatory Impact Statement were made available for public comment from 1 May 2015 until 1 June 2015. Seven submissions were received and considered. Following consideration of the submissions, the regulations were made with the following amendments:

  • clarifying that bus drivers fall within the definition of authorised person (conduct)
  • clarifying that the regulations apply to buses that are public transport vehicles
  • clarifying that bicycles can be brought onto V/Line coaches if the coaches are equipped to carry bicycles and are being used to replace a V/Line passenger service.

The Minister for Public Transport recommended to the Governor in Council that the regulations be made and this occurred on 23 June 2015. This is outlined in the minister's notice of decision

Transport conduct regulations notice of decision
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Statement of reasons

The statement of reasons is a response to public submissions received on the regulatory impact statement and proposed regulations. The document explains why changes were made or not made following public comment.

Transport conduct regulations statement of reasons
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For further information about the transport conduct regulations, email in a new window)
