Yani Bangal Transport and Planning Portfolio First Peoples Scholarship Program
The Yani Bangal Transport and Planning Portfolio First Peoples Scholarships Program will reopen in 2025.
About the Program
The program is aimed at providing First Peoples students in Secondary School, TAFE and University with financial and career assistance. Core objectives of the program include:
- Provide financial support to First Peoples students to assist with their studies
- Create meaningful career pathways into the Transport and Planning Portfolio
- Strengthen capacity and stronger relationships with Victorian First Peoples and communities.
The Program is one of many career pathway initiatives in place to assist the Portfolio in reaching it’s 2% First Peoples employment target set for the Victorian Public Sector. It is designed with the central aim of creating a long-term pipeline of First Peoples career and leadership development in the Transport and Planning Portfolio.
Applications for secondary, TAFE and university students will reopen in 2025.
Please contact the DTP First Peoples Careers and Cultural Safety Team for more information: Firstpeoplescareersandculturalsafety@transport.vic.gov.au
DTP STEM Graduate Program
DTP’s in-house graduate program focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines.With Victoria's transport and road infrastructure currently expanding, we are looking for the best graduates to keep Victoria's networks growing and developing.
Our STEM Graduate Program is an 18 month development program consisting of three 6-month rotations across your discipline.
Victorian Government Graduate Program
This is a 12-month, whole of Victorian Government development program administered by the Victorian Public Service Commission(opens in a new window).
Graduates will undertake three rotating placements of four months each and will be eligible for an ongoing position or promotion upon successful completion.
To find out more go to the Graduate website(opens in a new window).
DTP Vacation Internship Employment Program
The Department of Transport and Planning’s Vacation Internship Employment Program is offered in conjunction with Victorian-based Universities. The program targets second year to final year university students. Please reach out to your University Internship team or contact Employment Programs.
Youth Employment Scheme (YES) Trainee Program
This program offers young Victorians aged 15 to 29 opportunities to undertake a traineeship in the Victorian Government. Through a mixture of structured training, provided by a group training organisation and on the job training, trainees will successfully complete certificate-level qualifications.
To find out more go to the Jobs Victoria website(opens in a new window).
Youth Employment Scheme (YES) Disability Stream
The Youth Employment Scheme (YES) Disability Stream(opens in a new window) is a newly implemented program designed to provide a pathway for young people with a disability into the Victorian public service and our agencies.
A whole-of-government initiative, YES is an important part of the department’s workforce planning and strategy development.
It helps the department meet future skill and employment needs by employing young people facing barriers to employment who are aged from 15 to 29 years.
YES trainees in the disability stream are sourced through our partnership with the Department of Jobs, Precincts, and Regions and employed by a group training organisation (GTO) with DTP hosting the trainee.
The GTO provides training and support to the trainee as well as administration functions relating to taxation and superannuation payments.
Traineeships are for a 12-month fixed term, composed of performing administrative tasks, whereby young people study towards completing a certificate level qualification.
Apply for the Youth Employment Scheme Disability Stream now(opens in a new window).
To learn more, please feel free to contact the employment programs team at employmentprograms@transport.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window).