A detailed picture of Victorian household travel is collected through VISTA to help the government make better transport and land-use planning decisions.
The survey is conducted throughout the year across greater Melbourne, and periodically in Geelong and other key regional centres. This allows average daily travel behaviour to be understood.
Randomly selected households are asked to collect their travel data for a single specified day. Collecting all personal travel information - from walking the dog, through to interstate travel - enhances our understanding of complex travel interactions.
The survey has been running since 2007, and a new round of data collection began in February 2022. The new project includes changes to how data is collected and incorporates a GPS component. This will capture a more accurate picture of travel behaviour to help us better plan for Victoria's transport future.
Access to survey data
Detailed findings are available via an interactive data visualisation tool that allows users to explore data for all surveys going back to 2007.
View the interactive tool(opens in a new window)
Questions relating to VISTA data and reports can be emailed to vista@transport.vic.gov.au.
Participant information
If you have been selected to take part in VISTA, and you would like to speak to the survey team, please call 1800 816 337 (free call).
Alternatively, further information including answers to frequently asked questions is available on the information for survey participants page.