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Apply for a pre-retail liquor licence

A pre-retail licence authorises the wholesale supply of liquor to other licensees.

Wholesalers, producers, brewers and liquor importers are the businesses that would generally apply for a pre-retail licence.

A pre-retail licence authorises the wholesale supply of liquor to other licensees anywhere in Australia.

They can also supply liquor to a person for the purpose of exporting the liquor supplied outside of Australia.

Apply for your licence

To apply please download the kit and fill out the Pre-retail licence application form. The kit provides instructions on how to complete your application.

Pre-retail licence application kit
PDF 605.62 KB
(opens in a new window)

We suggest you lodge your liquor licence applications at least 911 weeks in advance. The time taken to process your application will vary depending on a range of factors including the complexity of the application and any objections which may be raised.

Trading hours

There are no restrictions to trading hours for this type of liquor licence. A pre-retail licence permits the wholesale supply of liquor at any time and on any premises.

Business name certificate

You will need to provide your business name certificate as you apply for a liquor licence.

More information and a copy of your business name certificate is available from from

Application fee

There are costs associated with applying for your liquor licence. Please see the Liquor licence application fees page for information.

When you have your licence

If your application is successful, you are obligated to abide by the terms of your liquor licence.

Information on how licensees can be compliant is in the Licensees obligations section.

You can also change, transfer or give up your licence.

Annual data collection

As a holder of a pre-retail liquor licence you must collect and report your wholesale transactions. More information is on the Wholesale liquor data reporting page.
