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Apply for a renewable limited liquor licence

A renewable limited liquor licence authorises the supply of liquor when it is done in a limited or restricted way.

A renewable limited liquor licence authorises the supply of liquor when it is done in a limited or restricted way.

Renewable limited licence holders tend to fall outside other types of liquor licences, and include:

  • off-site caterers
  • motels and accommodation hotels, for their mini-bars
  • caravan parks
  • bed and breakfasts
  • other small businesses where the supply of liquor is ancillary to their business that do not fit within the exemption categories below
  • clubs (clubs have their own renewable liquor licence, see the information below).

If you want to apply for a licence for a single event, or for events on specific dates, you may need to apply for a Temporary limited licence.

Apply for your licence

To apply please download and fill out one of the forms below. Both forms provide instructions on how to complete your application.

Renewable limited licence application kit
PDF 1.67 MB
(opens in a new window)
Renewable limited club licence application kit
PDF 1.69 MB
(opens in a new window)

Please lodge your liquor licence applications at least 911 weeks in advance. The time taken to process your application will vary depending on a range of factors including the complexity of the application and any objections which may be raised.

Information to include in your application

When you apply for a renewable limited licence you need to provide an explanation of how your supply of alcohol is limited in nature.

Various ways in which the supply may be limited include, but is not restricted to, the:

  • range of products (including the type of liquor or number of individual liquor products supplied)
  • customers
  • trading hours
  • size of premises
  • means of delivery or supply to customers.

In your written submission describe the activities you wish to have licensed as part of your application. Include an explanation of how the supply of liquor proposed in the application is limited in nature.

Trading hours

No set trading hours apply. You should specify the hours you want to trade on your application form. This will be assessed in context of the scale and scope of liquor supply.

The following council areas have additional requirements to trade past 1am:

  • Melbourne
  • Port Phillip
  • Stonnington
  • Yarra.

Renewable limited liquor licences for clubs

A renewable limited licence for clubs authorises the supply of alcohol on the licensed premises to a member or guest for consumption on the licensed premises.

The licence may also include approvals such as:

  • the ability for people who are under 18, and not with a responsible adult, to be on the licensed premises at certain times or during certain activities
  • the ability to supply liquor from a point of sale during sporting events for drinking outside the licensed premises, provided approval is obtained. For example selling from the canteen or a marquee on game day.

Children and young people at your licensed club

If your club wants to allow underage people onto the premises without a parent or guardian you should request an 'underage approval' in your licence application. The application kit explains how to do this.

Application fee

There is a fee to apply for a renewable limited licence. See the page Liquor licence application fees for information.


Businesses where the supply of liquor is only a small part of the products and services on offer may be exempt from the need to hold a liquor licence.

This includes some bed and breakfasts, hairdressers, florists, gift-makers and butchers. For more information, see Business exemptions for liquor licences.

When you have your licence

If your application is successful you are obligated to abide by the terms of your liquor licence.

Information on how to be compliant is on the Licensees obligations page.

You can also change, transfer or give up your licence.
