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Inclusion for children with disability – early childhood education modules

Information on early childhood inclusion for children with disability modules.

The early childhood inclusion for children with disability modules support early childhood education and care professionals to provide kindergarten programs that are inclusive of children with disability or developmental delay.

Inclusion makes sure that all children are given the opportunity to participate in all aspects of a kindergarten program. This includes the chance to play, learn and interact with other children.

Who the course is for

The course is relevant for educators who are currently working with children with disability or developmental delay. It is also for those who would like to develop their knowledge and skills in this area.

The modules also provide downloadable tools that help educators plan for quality, inclusive early childhood education and care programs.

Course outcomes

Completion of this course contributes towards Victorian Teaching Institute (VIT) registration requirements.

Module content information

Module 1 – Inclusion

This module is designed to build understanding of inclusion for children with disability or developmental delay. It covers:

  • the benefits of providing an inclusive program
  • the laws and frameworks that underpin the need for inclusion
  • the practices that support inclusion.

Module 2 - Communication

This module supports early childhood professionals to understand how communication skills develop in the early years. This supports children’s learning as they work towards Outcome 5 of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. It explores:

  • the different elements of communication
  • how to observe and assess children’s communication
  • communication difficulties children with disability or developmental delay may experience
  • the importance of frequent, enjoyable interactions as being helpful for language learning
  • strategies for supporting children to engage in interactions and express their needs and wants.

Module 3 – Behaviour

This module focuses on promoting interactions and opportunities that support positive behaviours in early childhood settings and foster respectful relationships. This includes:

  • how to use a strengths-based approach when supporting children’s behaviour
  • how to analyse children’s behaviour, including what triggers and maintains behaviour
  • practical strategies to trial and reflect on in your program.

Module 4 – Planning

This module supports early childhood professionals to plan for the diverse abilities, strengths and interests of all children using the Early Years Planning Cycle. This module focuses on:

  • how to support children’s learning and development by embedding learning opportunities in everyday routines and activities
  • adaptations to the learning environment to support planned goals for a child with a disability or developmental delay
  • how families and other professionals can support developing and implementing planned strategies.
