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Supports for early career early childhood professionals

The early childhood education and care (ECEC) workforce are at the heart of Victoria’s education system. Due to the range and scale of the Best Start, Best Life (BSBL) reforms, including funded Three-Year-Old Kindergarten and the introduction of Pre-Prep, it is important to recognise, develop and support the existing workforce.

The Victorian Government has invested over $6 million as part of the BSBL reforms, to deliver a range of targeted professional development supports to early career teachers and educators when they need it most – in their first 5 years of work.

Beginning Teacher Conferences

The Beginning Teacher Conferences (BTC) offer a valuable opportunity for networking and professional development for early childhood teachers in their first year of practice and those with anticipated graduation in the next 12 months working in the services with kindergarten funded program.

The 2024 BTC series will feature 6 conferences, 3 virtual and 3 in-person. The conferences will focus on practical concepts and ideas for supporting children with additional needs and challenging behaviours, general topics, feature facilitated deep-dive discussions, and a panel discussion including Q&A's.

BTCs support early career teachers’ induction into the Victorian early childhood sector, strengthen their professional practice and provide access to expert speakers and evidence-informed information. The conferences also provide an opportunity for early childhood teachers in the beginning stages of their careers to build professional networks with peers.

The 2024 BTC conferences will be facilitated online and at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, 41 St Andrews Place, East Melbourne between 9.00 am – 3.00 pm on the following dates:

  • 20 May 2024
  • 12 July 2024
  • 15 July 2024
  • 28 August 2024
  • 12 September 2024
  • 31 October 2024

To register for the next conference, visit the Beginning Teachers Conference Series.

Professional development to support and develop your practice and build your professional identity

The End-to-End Career Supports Program is a great option for early career teachers and educators interested in receiving individualised one-on-one coaching or joining a Community of Practice (CoP). It allows participants to explore problems of practice and meet other early childhood professionals.

This program enables teachers and diploma qualified educators working in the services with kindergarten funded program in the first 5 years of their careers to access wraparound supports outlined below.


The independent coaches supporting the End-to-End Program are not only qualified teachers, but also seasoned professionals with more than 5 years of experience in the teaching profession. They bring to the table a wealth of practical knowledge and actionable strategies to support you in your professional journey.


If you are an early childhood teacher or a diploma-qualified educator in your first 2 years of practice, you are eligible to receive individualised one-on-one coaching to support you in the early stages of your career.

Communities of Practice (CoP)

A CoP is a collective of professionals who come together due to a shared concern, common problems, or interest in a particular subject area. CoPs nurture both individual and collective goals, leading to/towards high-quality practices in sync with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF).


Held over 18 months, CoP are for early childhood teachers and diploma-qualified educators in the 2nd to 5th year of their careers.

In 2024, 54 CoP series will be delivered either online or in-person within each Department of Education Region. Sessions are staggered across the year depending on demand.

Term 3 location and topics

Alumni Conference

Once an early childhood teacher or a diploma-qualified educator has completed either coaching or CoP, they become eligible to attend the End-to-End Alumni Conference. The conference is held once a year and focuses on advanced theory and practice. It is also a celebration of their first years as an early childhood professional.

How to register

To register your interest in this program or for further information regarding eligibility, locatios and times, visit the supplier Semann and Slattery’s website(opens in a new window).
