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Transition to school resources for families

Templates and guidelines to help you introduce families to transition to school and support families and children during the transition.

Relationships are at the core of positive transition to school experiences.

When families, early childhood services, schools and communities work together in positive and collaborative ways, a child's capacity to achieve their learning potential is significantly enhanced - and so is their general health, wellbeing, positive outlook and sense of purpose in life.

Introducing families to transition: a positive start to school

The most successful transition approaches prioritise ongoing communication and relationships with children and families. To ensure consistent messaging, you should begin to talk to families about transition: a positive start to school early in the year.

Families should be provided with the introduction to transition to school information sheet as part of this process.

Introduction to the transition information sheet

This information sheet explains to families the importance of sharing relevant information with schools and Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) services and how this information will be shared.

Family letter to accompany information sheet

A customisable letter has been written for you to provide to families with the introduction to the transition to school information sheet. This document can be easily used by your service by copying the letter onto your service letterhead, attaching it to regular newsletters or adding it to online communication to families.

This information sheet explains to families the importance of sharing relevant information with schools and Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) services and how this information will be shared.

Getting ready to start school

This fact sheet has been written for you to provide to families to explain what they can do at home to support their child to have a positive start to school.

Transition Learning and Development Statement

Every child attending a funded kindergarten program that is going to school will have a Transition Learning and Development Statement (TLDS) written for them. A child’s TLDS is written by early childhood educators and includes a section for families and the child to complete.

Families should be invited to contribute to the TLDS by writing in section 3: the family and reviewing the sections written by early childhood educators.

Families may also help their child complete section 2: the child, but sometimes this section will be filled out as part of the kindergarten program.

Families should be provided with the following resources to accompany their child’s draft TLDS.

Guidelines to help families complete Transition Learning and Development Statements

The Guidelines to help families complete the Transition Statement document explains to families the importance of contributing to their child’s TLDS.

Family letter to help families complete Transition Learning and Development Statements

A customisable letter has been written for you to provide to families outlining the guidelines. You can add your letterhead to this information or add the information to your family newsletters.

Transition: a positive start to the school resource kit

The Transition: a positive start to school resource kit is designed to provide practical guidance for professionals working with children and families during the transition to school process.

Section 2 of the kit contains helpful information and guidance on building relationships to support transitions.

Supporting English as an additional language in transition to school

This online resource provides advice and practical examples of how children and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are supported to make a successful transition to school. It is designed to assist and guide early childhood professionals and teachers in schools. See: Supporting EAL at the transition to school

Enhanced transitions to support children with a disability or developmental delay

The department has an enhanced process to support children with a disability or developmental delay as they transition to school.

Support for children and families at risk of experiencing vulnerability

Transition to school can be an exciting, stressful and challenging time for young children and families due to the significant changes and adjustments required. Some children and families will take longer to settle into school and will find the transition more difficult than their peers will.

Resources are available for early childhood professionals to strengthen the experience of transition for children and families experiencing vulnerability.

View the full 2017 research - support for children and families at risk of experiencing vulnerability resource.


Children and families experiencing vulnerability tend to have more complex support needs in early years transitions and this varies according to their unique circumstances.

A child is vulnerable if they or their families are experiencing multiple, complex challenges which may limit the capacity of the parents and other family members to effectively care, protect, and provide for their children, putting at risk their immediate wellbeing and long-term development.

Enrolling in Foundation for 2025

The Department of Education has released a timeline for enrolling in Foundation (Prep) for the 2025 school year. The timeline seeks to make the Foundation enrolment process simpler, clearer and fairer for families, by standardising key enrolment dates and processes.

All Victorian government primary schools will follow the timeline in 2024 to support enrolments for the 2025 school year.

Timeline for 2025 Foundation enrolments:

  • Enrolment applications open from the start of Term 2, 2024 (Monday 15 April 2024).
  • Parents and carers to submit an application to the school for Foundation by Friday 26 July 2024.
  • Schools notify all parents and carers of application outcomes between Monday 29 July 2024 and Friday 9 August 2024.
  • Families receiving an enrolment offer should accept the offer by Friday 23 August 2024.

To help families to understand the enrolment timeline, refer to the Enrolment Information Pack for the Early Childhood Sector (available from Monday 15 April 2024) on the Enrolling in Foundation (Prep) webpage.

For more information and resources about the enrolment timeline see Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).
