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Flexible Support Packages

Provide short-term assistance that act as bridging, immediate support as longer-term inclusion is determined.


Flexible Support Packages (FSPs) provide short-term assistance (up to 10 weeks) that act as bridging, immediate support as longer-term inclusion is determined.

Packages are available state-wide to purchase additional short-term supports for children who:

  • have a background of trauma and adversity in the early years
  • consistently demonstrate behaviours of concern
  • require immediate additional support to stabilise their attendance and inclusion in the kindergarten program.

FSPs primarily aim to stabilise the child's enrolment and improve attendance and inclusion in the kindergarten program. They also aim to enhance the child's safety and engagement in the kindergarten program, through building capacity, to:

  • support and address the child's concerning behaviours
  • regulate attention, emotions and behaviour during attendance
  • to develop skills that effectively and positively manage interactions with other children and adults/educators.

In circumstances where the child's longer-term inclusion cannot be supported after the initial support through available programs, an additional FSP application can be submitted.

Eligibility for Flexible Support Packages

To be eligible for a FSP children must:

  • be enrolled in and attending a funded kindergarten program
  • have a background of complex trauma (e.g. prolonged state of stress, repeated exposure to adverse life experience, child is in out-of-home care, Children Known to Child Protection)
  • demonstrate behaviours that require immediate support to stabilise their attendance and inclusion in kindergarten.

In addition, services need to demonstrate that:

  • they are unable to access appropriate and timely support through existing programs
  • the supports required are not available through other available funding streams.

Access Flexible Support Packages

FSP Operational Guidelines provide information on how FSPs can be accessed and who is involved in the application process.

FSP Operational Guidelines
PDF 343.64 KB
(opens in a new window)
FSP Operational Guidelines
Word 278.58 KB
(opens in a new window)

Please read the guidelines and contact your ECIB representative to begin the process.

FSP Screening Form
Word 443.57 KB
(opens in a new window)
FSP Application Form
Word 437.76 KB
(opens in a new window)

If you are a parent/carer interested in finding out more about Flexible Support Packages, please contact your child’s funded kindergarten.

Supports available through a Flexible Support Package

FSPs provide responsive and tailored support to assist the child be immediately included in the kindergarten program. This is done through identifying supports and strategies required to stabilise and address the child's needs and behaviours.

FSPs approved supports include:

  • Trauma specialist or Allied Health Practitioner
  • Additional Educator/Assistant
  • Professional learning
  • Medical specialist recommended equipment or learning resources necessary for the child's inclusion
  • Backfill for Educators to engage in activities directly related to FSP, e.g. coaching and debriefing

How Flexible Support Packages interact with other state-funded support programs

FSPs complement but do not duplicate the support programs that are already in place. FSPs are designed to provide short-term immediate support that cannot be provided through available support programs. This may include School Readiness Funding (SRF) Planned Activities, SRF Allied Health allocation, Kindergarten Inclusion Support and the Preschool Field Officer program.

Flexible Support Packages in long day care and centre-based services

FSPs are available for kindergarten program hours only. Long day care (LDC) and centre-based services are encouraged to consider available Commonwealth supports, as appropriate, to support the child's inclusion during non-kindergarten program hours. This may include through the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the short- and long-term support available through the Inclusion Support Program.
