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Enrolment records in early childhood services

The NQF requires that providers of both centre-based and FDC services, as well as FDC educators, must keep enrolment records. Information should be accurate, and regularly updated.

Information an enrolment record must contain

The National Quality Framework (NQF) states that the enrolment record must contain details relating to the child, authorisations given by parents (or other specified persons), court orders, parenting orders or plans and related legal documents.

The Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) Guide to the NQF has a list of all the items that must be included on the enrolment record.

Health information

The enrolment form should also contain detailed health information including details of any diagnosed medical condition, allergies and if the child has been diagnosed as being at risk of anaphylaxis. For information on medical conditions refer to Children with medical conditions attending early childhood services.


Authorisation is required in a range of different situations, for a parents or a person who has legal responsibility for a child gives permission to another person to do something or to make a decision on that person’s behalf.

For information on authorisations refer to Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations.

Reviewing enrolment records

It is extremely important that all information in the enrolment record is up to date, so services must have a process to remind parents to alert them if details change, and to provide the new information as soon as possible.

Enrolment records storage procedures

Enrolment records for the previous 12 months must, as far as practicable, be kept confidentially at the service premises, or at a place that is readily accessible by an authorised officer.

Providers must ensure that child enrolment records are stored in a safe and secure place for 3 years after the last date on which a child is educated and cared for by the service.

What happens to records if an FDC educator stops working at your service

If a family day care educator ceases to be engaged by, or registered with, an approved provider of a family day care service, that person must provide the enrolment records to the approved provider when they stop working for the service.

If a service is transferred to another provider

If a service is transferred to another approved provider, the documents relating to children currently enrolled at the service, including the enrolment records, must be transferred to the new approved provider on the date the transfer of the service approval takes effect, subject to the parent’s prior consent.


Under the National Law and National Regulations enrolment records and other documents, must not be communicated, directly or indirectly, to any another person other than the parent of the child to whom the information relates. The only exceptions relate to Child Protection concerns.

Information can be released to:

  • the department as regulatory authority
  • or in the case of a medical emergency
  • or as required by any legislation or law.
