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Kinder Tick - information for services

The Victorian Government is introducing a new way to help families find funded and approved kindergarten programs.

Introducing the Kinder Tick

The Kinder Tick is a logo to help families find the kindergarten program that’s right for them.

Early childhood education services that deliver a funded kindergarten program can display and use the Kinder Tick. This includes funded kindergarten programs delivered in both long daycare and standalone settings.

The Kinder Tick can be displayed on your service’s grounds, on your fence and/or building, within your service, and used on your marketing and communications materials.

The Kinder Tick tells families:

  • your service offers a kindergarten program led by a qualified early childhood teacher
  • you deliver a play-based learning program
  • your program is Victorian Government funded and approved.

Benefits of using the Kinder Tick for service providers

The Kinder Tick will help families recognise kindergarten programs that meet the set requirements needed to receive Victorian Government funding.

As services in Victoria move towards delivering funded Three-Year-Old Kindergarten across the state, the Kinder Tick is a simple, engaging way that families can think about kindergarten.

The Kinder Tick:

  • acknowledges your status as an approved provider or service
  • helps families recognise funded kindergarten programs
  • helps you promote your kindergarten program and encourage enrolments.

Only approved kindergarten program providers that meet the requirements of the Victorian Government funding guidelines are eligible to display and use the Kinder Tick at their service.

The Kinder Tick is not linked to Free Kinder. All services that meet kindergarten program guidelines and receive regular funding are eligible for the Kinder Tick.

Kinder Tick is not a rating system

All kindergarten programs in Victoria are independently assessed and rated under the National Quality Framework. This rating and assessment process takes place regularly for all services and is not changing. The Kinder Tick and Victorian Government funding processes are separate from this.

Support for early childhood teachers and educators to use the Kinder Tick

The Kinder Tick has been designed in consultation with the sector’s peak bodies and service provider representatives to ensure the roll-out is helpful and user-friendly for kindergarten providers across Victoria.

As part of the Kinder Tick’s launch, all eligible services will receive signage for immediate use and their own digital communications tools and user guides to support the introduction of the brand to your service, families and broader community.

We encourage services to start using the signage and brand as soon as possible.

The signage pack includes:

  • a metal sign
  • a vinyl banner
  • decal stickers.
  • 2021 Kindergarten Certificate.

Communication toolkit

We have developed resources to help use the brand on your service and provider’s communications channels and explain the Kinder Tick to families and your community.

By proceeding to use the Kinder Brand signage and resources, you acknowledge you have read, understand and accept you are bound by the Kinder Brand Terms of Use (DOCX, 94KB).




Social media tiles

Email signatures

Logos to apply to your own communications channels or service's materials.

Translated materials in 50 languages and Easy English can be found on the Kinder Tick web page for families.

Services and providers are encouraged to share these materials with teachers, educators and staff.

New services will receive their Kinder Tick materials – including the signage pack – alongside their accreditation as an approved provider.

Use of the Kinder Tick

We encourage the use and implementation of the Kinder Tick, but using or displaying the Kinder Tick is not compulsory – it's an optional tool for eligible services in Victoria to use to provide an extra opportunity to promote early childhood education.

All early childhood services that provide a Victorian Government-funded kindergarten program will still receive and display their Victorian Government kindergarten program funding certificate, whether or not they choose to use the Kinder Tick.

Services, providers, teachers and educators can find more information by visiting Kinder Tick.

Other resources
