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Independent school coordinators: setting up the Premiers' Reading Challenge

Find information for independent school coordinators on how to set up the Premiers’ Reading Challenge using the Challenge application.

Delegating the Super Coordinator role

Super Coordinators prepare their school for the Challenge at the beginning of each year by:

  • activating students
  • assigning other coordinators.

The person who first registered the school is the default Super Coordinator until they delegate the role to someone else.

They must log in to the Challenge application to complete the set up tasks or delegate the Super Coordinator role to other users with the day-to-day responsibility for running the Challenge. For example, a:

  • librarian
  • business manager
  • class teacher.

There can be multiple Super Coordinators if needed.

Logging in to the Challenge application

To log in to the Challenge application:

  1. Select the school/student button.
  2. Under the coordinator login area, select the Independent schools option. This will redirect you to the eduPass authentication screen.
  3. Enter your eduPass details. This will redirect you back to the Challenge application.

If you cannot login, it may be caused by:

  • your eduPass account not being approved yet
  • you not being set up in the Challenge application.

Speak to your school’s Challenge Super Coordinator.

If you’re a Super Coordinator and cannot log in, contact the Service Desk:

Managing eduPass account details

Find information on:

If you know your password but have forgotten your security questions or answers:

  1. Log in to eduPass
  2. Go to My Account and change your secret questions, answers and PIN.

If you have problems setting up or accessing your eduPass account, contact the Service Desk:

Setting up other coordinators

Super coordinators can add learning coordinators and other super coordinators.

  1. Go to the Users menu, then the Coordinators menu.
  2. Select +Coordinator. You can search eduPass for teaching staff associated with your school.
  3. Enter at least one search term – first or last name, User ID or email address.
  4. Select Search.
  5. From the search results, select the user you need. Select the coordinator role they’ll have and select Save.

Users will only be available in the coordinators search if they have:

  • completed the External Client Portal (ECP) process
  • completed their account set up.

Coordinator types and access levels

Super Coordinators

Super Coordinators have access to all Challenge student and staff records at their school and can carry out tasks on behalf of all other users. They can:

  • add other Super Coordinators and Learning Coordinators
  • activate students and assign them to learning coordinators
  • deactivate users
  • generate and print out Challenge student passcodes
  • moderate book reviews
  • verify completion of books
  • add books to student reading lists (only for students assigned to them).

Learning Coordinators

Learning Coordinators can view the records and carry out tasks on behalf of students assigned to them in the Challenge application. They can:

  • generate and print out Challenge student passcodes
  • moderate book reviews
  • verify completion of books
  • add books to student reading lists.

Registering and activating students

Super Coordinators need to upload and activate students in the Challenge application. This needs to happen every year.

Between December and January, all existing student records will be inactivated and archived by the application. The key to maintaining a student’s history through multiple Challenges is the External User ID.

External User ID

The External User ID is a unique identifier associated with students at your school. It can be any unique identifier associated with the student. For example:

  • an enrolment number
  • a library card number.

The Super Coordinator assigns it when students are first uploaded to the Challenge application. It’s how the Challenge can maintain a student’s participation history.

It’s important that the same External User ID is used every year. This means the application can retrieve and link to previous Challenge data for the student. If the External User ID does not match an existing record, the student will be treated as a new entry.

Speak to your principal or business manager to get student ID numbers if you do not have these.

Creating individual student records

To add an individual student record:

  1. Go to the Users menu, then the Students menu.
  2. Select +Student.
  3. Complete the mandatory fields (*). Make sure the External Student ID field is correct. It’s optional to set individual book targets when adding a new student. If these fields are left blank, the student will be assigned the default book targets appropriate for the student’s year level. A P should be used for the year level prep.
  4. Select Save. Individually created student records are automatically activated in the application.

Creating student records in bulk

You can upload students in bulk for each campus. If your school has multiple campuses, you’ll need to follow the instructions for each campus.

To bulk upload student records:

  1. Go to the Users menu, then the Students menu.
  2. Select the ellipses menu (⋮) next to the +Student button. Select Bulk upload students. A popup will include instructions on how to complete the upload.
  3. From the link in the popup, download the template provided. This is a .csv file you can open and edit in Excel. Once you have entered the required information, save the file to a local drive (e.g. your desktop) and return to the popup. It’s important you save the file as a .csv file.
  4. Select the campus that the group of students belong to.
  5. Select File and go to the location where you saved the file. The upload will start when you select the file.
  6. Select Close to dismiss the popup. Student records created in bulk will need to be activated.

A P should be used for the year level prep.

Activating students

  1. Go to the Users menu, then the Students menu.
  2. Enter the required filtering criteria. Make sure that the Status option is Inactive.
  3. Select Search.

From the search results, you can activate students by either:

  • Bulk activating all students in the school – select Activate all students under the Group Actions menu. You do not need to select any of the students from the results for this action.
  • Bulk activating a targeted group – select all students from the search results. Select Activate student under the Group Actions menu.
  • Activating individual students – select the student from the search results. Select Activate student from the ellipses (⋮) next to their entry in the search results table.

Assigning Learning Coordinators

Super Coordinators can assign or change the coordinators assigned to groups of students.

To assign a coordinator to a student or change the coordinator:

  1. Go to the Users menu, then the Students menu.
  2. Enter the required filtering criteria. Make sure that the Status option is Active.
  3. Select Search.

From the search results, you can assign or change coordinators by either:

  • Bulk assigning all students in the school – select Assign coordinator to all students under the Group Actions menu. You do not need to select any of the students from the results for this action. We recommend you identify smaller groups rather than assigning a single coordinator to all students in the school. This will share the workload of monitoring reading, verifying books, moderating book reviews and finalising details.
  • Bulk assigning a targeted group – select all students from the search results. Select Assign coordinator under the Group Actions menu.
  • Assigning individual students – select the student from the search results. Select Assign coordinator from the Action ellipses (⋮) next to their entry in the search results table.

If the Super Coordinator wants to assign a book to a group of students they will need to assign the students to themselves first.

Student passcodes

The Challenge application can generate and print student usernames and passcodes. For security reasons, these are generated for printing. You cannot view them online.

To generate and print usernames and passcodes:

  1. Go to the Users menu, then the Students menu.
  2. Filter on year level, class name or coordinator name.
  3. Select Search.

From the search results, you can generate username and passcode details by either:

  • For a group – selecting the relevant students from the search results. Select Print username and passcode under the Group Actions menu.
  • For individuals – select the student from the search results. Select Print username and passcode from the ellipses (⋮) next to their entry in the search results table.

The application will email the login details to the Coordinator who performed the action.

You could print the usernames and passcodes on sticky labels (e.g. Avery A4 L7163 address mailing labels) for students to stick inside diaries or reading covers. Or you could print the passcodes on A4 paper, cut them up and hand them out.

If a student forgets or loses their passcode, you can generate a new one.

To help you to deliver the Challenge remotely, you can now send usernames and passcodes to students in bulk via email:

Correcting a student’s certificate name

Information in the Preferred Name and Last Name fields are used for student certificates.

To edit the details for a student:

  1. Go to the student’s dashboard.
  2. Go to the Profile tab.
  3. Select Edit details.
  4. Make any edits and select Save.

Renewal of eduPass accounts

Each November you will receive a notification to change your eduPass password.

Your eduPass account is only valid for a period of one year.

To ensure you don't have to register again at the start of next year, log into the eduPass community portal to change your password.

Your account will then be valid until the end of the following school year. At the start of the Challenge new school year you will be able to log in to the Challenge application.

What do I need to do?

  1. Log in at the eduPass community portal
  2. Click on My account
  3. Select Change my password (external link)
  4. Enter your email address and the code provided
  5. Select Submit
  6. Enter your new password

If you need assistance please contact the Service Desk:
