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Kindergarten Central Registration and Enrolment

Guidance and support for local councils to expand and enhance their kindergarten registration and enrolment service.

Central Registration and Enrolment Scheme (CRES)

Central Registration and Enrolment Scheme (CRES) is a best practice model for local councils and other organisations to support families and carers to secure a kindergarten place for their child.

CRES provides a single point for families to apply for multiple kindergarten services within a local government area, helping them secure a place that meets their needs.

It encourages closer links between Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and family support services, kindergartens and councils, to improve the early identification and engagement of families who need more support to register and enrol their children in kindergarten.

The CRES model is underpinned by six principles that promote consistent, inclusive and equitable access for families, service providers and support services. The model is supported by practical guides, tools and templates which can be easily adopted and tailored to each councils' circumstance.

The model was developed by the department in partnership with the Municipal Association of Victoria, through a co-design process with councils, kindergarten service providers, Early Years Managers, MCH, community organisations, early childhood peak bodies and other support services.

Vision for central registration and enrolment

The overarching vision for central registration and enrolment in Victoria is:

  • families and carers experience a smooth pathway to enrol in and attend kindergarten, by encouraging more local government areas and funded kindergarten programs to be part of a CRES
  • vulnerable and disengaged families are identified early and proactively engaged and supported to enrol their children in funded kindergarten programs, through collaboration with MCH and other community and support services
  • kindergarten places are allocated in a transparent, consistent and equitable way, and in line with the department’s Priority of Access policy
  • we work in partnership with councils and early years services to better respond to the needs of the community, through the collection of accurate, consistent and timely kindergarten data, to monitor and proactively manage capacity and utilisation of services.

Support for councils: best practice guides and resources

The CRES best practice guides and resources support councils and service providers to develop and implement registration and enrolment practices that promote consistent, inclusive and equitable access for families to kindergarten. The resources below can be easily adapted and tailored to suit local circumstances.

Support for councils: grants

To support councils to establish, operate and enhance CRES across Victoria, the department offers one-off and ongoing grants.

In 2023, 57 councils received an administrative support grant.

Further information

For further information about CRES, contact
