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School's role in Tier 1 promoting mental health and wellbeing

Schools play an important role in promoting student mental health and wellbeing. Education protects and supports a person’s mental health across a lifetime.

Schools also play a role in creating a positive community that enhances a sense of connection and belonging in students. Using a whole school approach, schools can develop a safe and inclusive school environment and promote student mental health and wellbeing. This is best achieved by working in partnership with all members of the school community.

Schools can support students to develop:

  • social and emotional skills and capabilities that promote life-long mental health and wellbeing
  • skills to problem-solve and manage the normal stressors of life
  • healthy relationships and the ability to work cooperatively with others
  • a sense of autonomy and purpose.

The Schools Mental Health Menu is a list of endorsed programs, staff and resources across 3 tiers of support.

Tier 1 activities form a foundation for Tier 2 and Tier 3. Together, the tiers form layers of support for students. Tier 1 supports remain in place, and schools can add extra supports from Tier 2 and Tier 3 when greater needs are identified.

Tier 1: universal interventions

Tier 1 Universal interventions help schools to create a positive, inclusive and supportive school climate, building the preconditions for optimal student learning, development and wellbeing. They are the initiatives and programs schools adopt that are good for all students.

Tier 1 Universal activities promote positive mental health and develop all students’ social, emotional and behavioural abilities. Many activities will be documented in the school’s student engagement policy.

Activities can be implemented at a school, year, or classroom level. They are usually delivered by school staff. Community organisations or agencies may be employed to deliver some activities.

Programs include:

  • adopting a whole school approach to mental health
  • social and emotional learning
  • wellbeing animal programs
  • eating disorders supports
  • alcohol and drug education
  • mental health literacy
  • bullying prevention
  • local community lead mental health intervention
  • peer support.

The Schools Mental Health Menu provides a comprehensive information about tier 1 activities (as well as tiers 2 and 3) available to schools.

The NIP early intervention approach

NIP it in the bud! is an early intervention approach that provides a simple framework for all members of a school community. NIP it in the bud! provides a whole school approach to recognising and responding to early warning signs of depression, anxiety and emotional distress communicated through self-harm.

Area and regional supports

Area-based teams, including Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces, are available to collaborate with schools on which Tier 1 activities and resources are most appropriate to meet differing student needs and to work with schools to support implementation.

For more information:
