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School Industry Roundtables

Where secondary schools, training and higher education providers, industry and local government come together and collaborate on improving education, training and employment pathways for local students.


The School Industry Roundtables (SIRs) initiative commenced in 2020 to enable secondary schools, training and higher education providers, industry and local government to come together and collaborate on improving education, training and employment pathways for local students.

The initiative aims to:

  • Identify skills needs and current and future skill shortages in local industries
  • Bridge the gap between industry and schools to shape the workforce of the future
  • Establish processes for local employers to better support schools with structured workplace learning and career education
  • Identify course provision of tertiary institutions to meet the demands of the local economy and student aspirations
  • Build students' awareness of jobs and careers and enable them to engage with the world of work

The SIR initiative supports the establishment and operation of locally based SIRs annually, across metropolitan and regional areas, involving both government and non-government secondary schools.

SIRs are part of the transformative reform agenda recommended by a review into vocational and applied learning pathways for senior secondary students led by John Firth, former Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).

How it works

Stakeholders are invited to participate in and contribute to SIRs in particular geographic areas across regional and metropolitan Victoria.

Roundtables are held on an annual or semi-annual basis to promote ongoing collaboration and identify joint actions to respond to emerging trends and to organise and support activities for local students.

Local working groups of stakeholders are formed to oversee the development and implementation of action plans arising from Roundtable events on a continuing basis.

Participating locations

Since its establishments, stakeholders have been participating in SIRs across Victoria. In 2022, SIR partnerships will be active in each of the 17 department areas.

Stakeholders who have been involved in SIRs include:

  • Principals, VET teachers, career practitioners and other school staff
  • VET students
  • Not-for-profit organisations, community and parent groups
  • Industry partners from large and small business
  • Universities, TAFEs and registered training organisations

Get involved

SIRs are locally led and tailored to the individual needs of businesses, education providers and local government in each participating metropolitan or regional area.

SIRs are organised by local teams of department staff and stakeholder representatives to address local priorities. Jobs Skills and Pathways Managers in the department areas oversee the day-to-day operation of SIRs.

To get involved contact your local department office.
