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Premier’s VCE Awards categories

Awards are presented for Top All-Round VCE High Achievers, Outstanding VCE Vocational Major Students, Top Three International Students, and Study Awards.

Eligibility and selection

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) manages the eligibility and selection of award recipients for the Premier’s VCE Awards.

Nominations for the Outstanding VCE Vocational Major Student Awards are open until 11.59pm on Monday 18 December 2024. Please visit the VCAA website for more information.

There is no need for a student to nominate or apply to the VCAA to be eligible for the following awards:

  • Top All-Round VCE High Achievers
  • Top Three International Students
  • Study Awards

To be eligible, students must sign a disclosure authorisation for awards which is included on the VCE Student Personal Details form provided by their school.

All award recipients are notified in writing approximately 6 weeks prior to the annual awards ceremony, which is held in the second term of the school calendar.


Premier’s VCE Awards are presented in the following categories:

  • Top All-Round VCE High Achievers
  • Outstanding VCE Vocational Major Students
  • Top Three International Students
  • Study Awards

Top All-Round VCE High Achievers

The Top-All Round VCE High Achievers Award recognises students who have achieved study scores of 46 or higher in at least five VCE studies in the most recent academic year and the previous years. Scored VET studies are included in the count of studies.

Outstanding VCE Vocational Major Students

The Outstanding VCE Vocational Major Students Award recognises students who perform exceptionally in their Vocational Major program of learning. Nominees will be assessed on their satisfactory completion of the VCE Vocational Major and their achievements in 4 award-specific criteria:

  • program achievements
  • employability skills
  • pathway focus
  • community impact.

Nominations for this award will close at 11.59pm on Monday 11 December 2023, and may be submitted by an individual, a school or other organisation.

Please visit the VCAA website for more information on award criteria and how to nominate.

Top Three International Students

Nominations for the Top Three International Students are based on a student’s most recent academic year study scores.

The order of merit for international students studying in Victoria on a student visa is based on their Premier’s VCE Awards score. This score is calculated by the addition of the study scores obtained for the best four VCE studies plus 10 per cent of study scores obtained in up to a maximum of two other VCE studies.

University subjects and VET studies may contribute to the score. Full fee-paying overseas students are not eligible to receive an award in the Top All-Round VCE High Achiever or Study Award categories.

Study Awards

To be eligible for a Study Award students must attain a score of 46 or higher in their VCE studies. However, not every student that attains 46 or higher will receive an award, as Individual Graded Assessment scores are used to determine an order of merit and identify the top group of students for each VCE Study Award.

The number of Premier’s VCE Awards conferred in each study is based on the number of enrolments in that study. Therefore, there will be more awards conferred in studies with larger student enrolments.

The VCAA reserves the right to recommend a student for an award on the basis of the study scores achieved in more than one study.

Further information

Please contact the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority:
