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Industrial relations

This output contributes to providing fair jobs and a positive industrial relations environment through sound industrial relations policy and advice to government. This includes oversight of enterprise bargaining across the Victorian public sector and support for Victoria’s participation in the national workplace relations system.

Performance measureUnit2022–23 target2022–23 actualVarianceResult
Employers informed on OHS obligations under both state and Commonwealth legislation and regulationsnumber> 3,50011,012215%*
The 2022­–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to the increasing use of digital platforms resulting in greater reach.
Workers informed on OHS obligations under both state and Commonwealth legislation and regulationsnumber> 40,00053,52734%*
The 2022­–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to the increasing use of digital platforms resulting in greater reach.
Child employment investigations completednumber20022412%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to efficiencies that have been realised through improved internal processes. The 2023–24 target has been increased in recognition of these improved processes.
Public sector agreements renewed and approved within the current enterprise bargaining frameworkper cent1001000%*
Victoria represented in major industrial relations cases and inquiriesper cent1001000%*
Review and assessment of submitted public sector enterprise bargaining costings and proposed agreements completed and submitted for approval within four weeksper cent9010011%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target because all 20 agreements met the timeframes.
Long service leave investigations completed within 90 days of lodgementper cent2574196%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to efficiencies that have been realised through improved internal processes. The 2023–24 target has been increased in recognition of these improved processes.
Total output cost$ million35.724.9–30%*
The 2022–23 actual is lower than the 2022–23 target due to delays in implementing industrial relations initiatives, therefore DPC has requested the unapplied appropriations are carried over from 2022–23 to 2023–24.

Results legend

* Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way
