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Our groups

DPC consists of five groups:

  • Cabinet, Legal and Governance
  • Economic Policy and State Productivity
  • First Peoples – State Relations
  • Industrial Relations Victoria
  • Social Policy and Intergovernmental Relations.

The Cabinet, Legal, and Governance group delivers public sector legal, legislation and governance expertise and combines the Cabinet Office, the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) and the Governance Branch.

Through Cabinet Office, this group provides timely and practical guidance on the operation of Cabinet, Cabinet Committees and the Executive Council. This work supports government decision making and considers the issues that are most relevant to the state and the Victorian community.

OGC provides legal and policy advice, including in the areas of administrative, constitutional and corporate law. OGC’s policy focus is on issues in the Premier and the Minister for Government Services’ portfolios, principally in relation to Victoria’s public sector, electoral system and subordinate legislation. OGC advises on the government’s legislative agenda and supports DPC in developing legislative and regulatory proposals. It also manages the department’s freedom of Information and privacy functions.

Governance Branch unifies DPC’s efforts to promote good governance and public administration, high-quality decision and policymaking, government integrity and accountability, and trust in public institutions. It also supports the critical work of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal.

Economic Policy and State Productivity

The Economic Policy and State Productivity group leads economic policy advice to the Premier and Cabinet. The group works in collaboration with relevant departments and agencies to ensure a coordinated whole of government approach to policy and projects in the areas of economic development; fiscal strategy; regional and suburban development; local government outcomes; regulatory reform; consumer affairs; gambling; racing; WorkSafe and TAC; insurance; government services; creative industries; tourism, sport and major events; industry and innovation; employment; skills, higher education and training; workplace safety; international engagement; trade and investment; infrastructure; planning; transport; energy; agriculture; resources; and the environment. The group also provides advice to the Deputy Premier on precincts and land coordination.

First Peoples – State Relations

The First Peoples – State Relations group was established in April 2021 and is responsible for an extensive program of nation-leading work in the areas of cultural rights, land rights, self-determination, treaty and truth with First Peoples. The group recognises Victoria’s First Peoples as the self-determining drivers of Aboriginal affairs in Victoria and is committed to building ongoing, just and respectful relationships between self-determining First Peoples and the State. The group performs statutory functions under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and works with First Peoples on cultural heritage management and protection in ways that recognise the leading role of strong and engaged Traditional Owners.

Industrial Relations Victoria

The Industrial Relations Victoria (IRV) group provides strategic industrial relations legislative, policy and technical advice to the government and departments. IRV develops and reviews regulatory frameworks to support a positive industrial relations environment and advocates for fair and productive workplaces, secure work and gender pay equity. IRV also oversees industrial relations matters and enterprise bargaining policy and processes across the Victorian public sector. IRV consists of the Private Sector branch, the Public Sector branch and the Office of the Deputy Secretary.

Social Policy and Intergovernmental Relations

The Social Policy and Intergovernmental Relations group provides advice on social policy matters including health, mental health, alcohol and other drugs, education, justice, community security, emergency management and families, fairness and housing. The group also leads oversight and coordination of whole of government intergovernmental relations matters.

Branches in the Office of the Secretary

In addition to the five groups above, the Strategic Communication, Engagement and Protocol (SCEP) Branch and the Delivery and Strategy Branch report to the Secretary.

SCEP provides specialist communication and protocol advice and support to the Premier and Ministry and DPC. SCEP’s work includes leading a coordinated approach to communication policy and practice across government, advising on communication and digital strategies, media and issues management, governance and oversight of all government advertising, advising on protocol matters and delivering major events of state significance, providing research, photography, video production services and media strategy and insights.

The Delivery and Strategy Branch tracks and supports delivery of priority government initiatives and works with policy branches to support strategic policy development of cross-portfolio issues. The branch comprises Delivery Tracking, which monitors implementation of government priority initiatives and commitments, and helps identify and resolve risks and blockages; Strategy, a project-based team that works closely with DPC policy branches and delivery agencies, employing consulting and strategy approaches to resolve priority policy and delivery issues, as commissioned by DPC senior executives or the Premier; and the Behavioural Insights Unit, which supports areas of government through research projects and providing advice to help them understand their users, identify problems and develop innovative solutions.
