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Changes to the department during 2022-23

On 1 January 2023 machinery of government changes took effect, following the November 2022 State Election, when the government decided to expand the number of Victorian public service (VPS) departments from nine to 10. This included the following changes for DPC:

  • The Digital Victoria group, the Corporate Services division and the portfolio entities Public Record Office Victoria, Service Victoria and Cenitex transferred from DPC to the new Department of Government Services to accelerate digital transformation and corporate services reform across the VPS.
  • The Social Services Workforce Reform team transferred from DPC to the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions to better enable delivery of the government’s comprehensive workforce reform agenda.
  • The Office of the Victorian Government Architect transferred from DPC to the Department of Transport and Planning, consolidating skills to enhance integrated infrastructure planning and place-based outcomes.
  • Breakthrough Victoria Pty Ltd, and the $2 billion Breakthrough Victoria Fund of which DPC had policy oversight, transferred to the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions to bring together the government’s industry and innovation portfolio and economic development portfolio functions.
  • The Land Justice Unit and Traditional Owner settlement function transferred from the Department of Justice and Community Safety to DPC to further consolidate functions relating to First Peoples at the centre of government.
  • A new Precincts and Land Coordinator General function was established in DPC. The team will work closely with the Department of Transport and Planning to create the enabling environment needed to deliver priority government projects that require land, and to deliver on the government’s vision for precinct development.

The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor and office concluded its work as of 31 May 2023, having been extended to the end of 2022.

Following machinery of government changes, DPC reduced from having seven groups to five groups, which are described below.
