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Social procurement framework

During 2022–23 DPC continued to implement its Social Procurement Strategy, which was developed in line with Victoria’s Social Procurement Framework.

In 2022–23 DPC improved social procurement performance against four objectives:

  • opportunities for Victorian Aboriginal people
  • opportunities for Victorians with disability and disadvantaged Victorians
  • supporting safe and fair workplaces
  • opportunities for Victorian social enterprises.

Purchases from social suppliers in 2022–23

Social procurement opportunityMetricNumber of businesses engagedActual spend $
(excl. GST)
Opportunities for Victorian
Aboriginal people
Total spend with Victorian Aboriginal businesses2,890,416
Number of Victorian Aboriginal businesses engaged36
Opportunities for Victorians with disabilityTotal spend with Victorian social enterprises led by a mission for people with disability and Australian Disability Enterprises9,478
Number of Victorian social enterprises led by a mission for people with disability and Australian disability enterprises engaged3
Opportunities for disadvantaged VictoriansTotal spend with Victorian social enterprises led by a mission for the disadvantaged790,177
Number of Victorian social enterprises led by a mission for the disadvantaged engaged7
Sustainable Victorian social enterprises and Aboriginal business sectorsTotal spend with Victorian social enterprises947,018
Number of Victorian social enterprises engaged13

Summary of contributing activities and initiatives

The activities and initiatives relating to Digital Victoria in this annual report reflect the period from 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022. Following machinery of government changes, from 1 January 2023 Digital Victoria forms part of the Department of Government Services.

  • The End User Computing State
    Purchase Contract addresses the government’s Social Procurement Framework by providing supplier key performance indicators against each framework objective.
  • The Amazon Web Services State Purchase Contract introduces two social procurement measures that will be reported on: women’s equality and safety and environmentally sustainable business practices.
  • The Victorian Telecommunication Services State Purchase Contract has social procurement key performance indicators included, with reporting available by request.
  • Invitations to supply during the financial year included requirements for a minimum of one social procurement objective to be included in supplier proposals. As a result, DPC awarded contracts to the estimated value of $22.9 million to suppliers that provided a valid response to meeting social procurement objectives in their organisation.
  • DPC’s social procurement achievements in 2022–23 include 36 Victorian Aboriginal businesses engaged and $2.9 million (excluding GST) of actual expenditure, achieving 2.9 per cent Aboriginal procurement, exceeding the 1 per cent procurement target for procuring goods and services from Aboriginal businesses, as set through Tharamba Bugheen: Victorian Aboriginal Business Strategy 2017–2021.
  • Through refined procurement and business processes DPC continued to encourage direct spend with Aboriginal suppliers where Aboriginal knowledge and expertise is needed.
  • DPC procured a range of services from several Victorian Aboriginal businesses in 2022–23, including professional advisory and communication services.
  • DPC has a social procurement spend dashboard that is updated monthly so spend is monitored.
  • DPC continues to build on its relationship with Kinaway Chamber of Commerce Victoria Ltd to identify new initiatives on raising awareness of Aboriginal businesses.
  • All suppliers engaged via a competitive procurement process with DPC have committed to the Victorian Government Supplier Code of Conduct by signing a commitment letter before the engagement.
  • DPC contributed to social outcomes through the Barring Djinang — Coaching and Career Development program, which has enabled 75 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait participants to progress into leadership opportunities, with another 20 people undertaking the program in 2023–24.
  • DPC contributed to social outcomes through the Career Seekers Internship Program by providing the opportunity for approximately 61 disadvantaged asylum seeker and refugee Victorians over the past two years to take part in intern-type employment within the Victorian Government.

Disclosure of emergency procurement

DPC developed and implemented its Emergency Procurement Plan in December 2022 in line with the requirements of the Victorian Government Purchasing Board Governance policy. The Emergency Procurement Plan applies when procuring goods and services in response to an emergency. In 2022–23 DPC did not activate its Emergency Procurement Plan.
