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Public sector administration advice and support

This output provides advice and support on issues relevant to public sector administration, Members of Parliament and executive officer remuneration, governance, service delivery and workforce matters, as well as to public sector professionalism and integrity. It includes related research, determinations, data collection, reporting and dissemination of information.

Performance measureUnit2022–23 target2022–23 actualVarianceResult
VPSC: Percentage of new-to-VPS executives participating in the induction programper cent788914%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to an increased uptake of participants in the program with fewer program withdrawals/deferrals.
VPSC: Percentage of VPS jobs advertised through the Jobs and Skills Exchangeper cent90956%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target because the limited number of jobs advertised externally only are mainly for community services or other bulk recruitment campaigns.
VPSC: Number of engagement and promotion activities undertaken by the Jobs and Skills Exchangenumber203155%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to increased usage of the Jobs and Skills Exchange platform for surge and other recruitment campaigns.
Key stakeholder satisfaction with advice and support relating to public administration and whole of government governanceper cent9010011%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to positive stakeholder feedback about advice given to support effective administration of government, promotion of good governance, integrity, accountability and trust.
Stakeholder satisfaction with the Remuneration Tribunal’s process regarding determinations, reviews and adviceper cent80879%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to stronger than expected positive stakeholder feedback about the tribunal’s processes for making determinations of remuneration for Members of Parliament, public sector executives and elected local government officials and providing advice on public sector executive remuneration.
VPSC: Percentage of agencies that interacted with VPSC and that indicated VPSC advice and support assisted them to improve integrity capabilityper cent90900%*
VPSC: Overall satisfaction with engagement, consultation and responsiveness from the GRADS teamper cent859411%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target, which may be due to the proportion of graduates who completed the survey that assesses this metric. The most recent survey (May 2023) included 69 responses from 141 graduates, representing 49 per cent of the overall population.
VPSC: Satisfaction with responses to user queries on the Jobs and Skills Exchange platform per cent809519%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to further staff training on effective responses, review and improvement of internal processes, leading to faster ticket resolution times. In addition, technology remediation has focused on end-user bug fixes and user design principles for easier platform navigation, resulting in a better user experience.
Tribunal’s legislated work program delivered within established timeframeper cent859613%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to improvements to the tribunal’s internal processes.
VPSC: Percentage of process completion of Victorian public sector annual workforce data by the end of February each yearper cent95950%*
Total output cost$ million23.534.346%**
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to funding approved since publication of the 2022–23 State Budget to support the implementation of integrity reforms and due to the reinstatement of a Treasurer’s Advance from 2021–22 to 2022–23 for the Workforce Transition Fund initiative.

Results legend

* Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

** Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance
