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Strong policy outcomes — key initiatives

This objective pursues policy, service and administration excellence and reform. It leads the public sector response to significant state issues, policy challenges and projects. It supports the effective administration of government and the delivery of policy and projects that enable increased productivity and competitiveness in Victoria.

Outcomes on the following key initiatives have helped DPC achieve the ‘Strong policy outcomes’ strategic objective.

Established Precincts and Land Coordinator General function

Machinery of government changes that came into effect on 1 January 2023 established the Precincts and Land Coordinator General function in DPC to commission and coordinate precincts and coordinate and facilitate land acquisition across government. The functions have been established to help deliver the government’s jobs, housing and infrastructure agenda.

The Land Coordinator General is working across government to improve the use of government land to deliver better outcomes for the Victorian community. This is achieved through work to optimise the use and transaction of government land to support capital project delivery and other key objectives such as housing.

The Land Coordinator General function is also responsible for delivering a government land database to improve collection and use of data on government land.

The Precincts function will undertake precinct prioritisation to help achieve the government’s jobs, housing and infrastructure agenda though sequencing development of precincts as priority locations for growth in areas close to existing infrastructure and services. The Precincts function will work closely with delivery departments and agencies to achieve a whole of government and coordinated approach for precinct delivery.

Provided advice on current and future economic challenges and opportunities, including advice on measures to support Victoria’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic

In 2022–23 DPC continued to work closely with the Department of Treasury and Finance and other departments to support the government’s economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic and the October 2022 floods. This included advising on budget and fiscal strategy, industry recovery, employment, training and skills, higher education, consumer affairs, local government, transport policy and infrastructure delivery. Since the onset of COVID-19, DPC has actively supported the Victorian Government to identify and implement measures to assist businesses and individuals affected financially by the pandemic. DPC also prepared advice to support the returned government following the 2022 State Election.

Provided advice to support the government’s budgeting and financial management and efficient government operations

In 2022–23 DPC continued to work closely with the Department of Treasury and Finance to provide advice to government on its fiscal strategy and the annual State Budget process. This included advice on, and implementation of, budget efficiency measures.

Provided advice to deliver a renewable energy transition and emissions reduction; support delivery of the government’s environmental and agricultural priorities; and maintain the sustainable use of Victoria’s natural resources in a changing climate

In 2022–23 DPC provided advice and supported the Premier, other departments and entities to deliver the government’s energy, resources and environment commitments including:

  • reviving the State Electricity Commission, including work to identify and announce a Pioneer Investment by the end of 2023
  • developing an offshore wind industry for Victoria, including releasing Implementation Statements 1 and 2 and starting engagement on
    transmission planning
  • developing the Victorian Transmission Investment Framework and investment from the Renewable Energy Zone Fund in projects to strengthen and modernise the electricity grid
  • completing the second Victorian Renewable Energy Target auction (VRET2) and announcing the successful projects
  • advising on the Victorian Government’s decision to end native timber harvesting in Victoria’s state forests by 1 January 2024
  • formalising the interim emission reduction target of 75 to 80 per cent by 2035 and steps to legislate the bring-forward of Victoria’s long-term target for net zero emissions from 2050 to 2045
  • supporting Victorian energy consumers through two rounds of the $250 Power Saving Bonus for all Victorian households
  • supporting Victoria’s actions to prevent and prepare for incursions of biosecurity threats.

Supported delivery of the government’s infrastructure program and coordinated reforms to the transport network

In 2022–23 DPC continued to work with the Department of Transport and Planning and the Major Transport Infrastructure Authority on major transport projects in construction including the Level Crossings Removal Project, the Metro Tunnel Project, the North East Link Project, and the West Gate Tunnel Project.

DPC has also continued to work across government including with the Suburban Rail Loop Authority to progress the Suburban Rail Loop project. Highlights included starting initial and early works, tunnelling procurement and launching the Community Projects Fund.

DPC worked with the Department of Transport and Planning to deliver major commercial reforms including the new Public Transport Ticketing system contract, the Melbourne metropolitan tram franchise tender and the VicRoads modernisation — joint venture model for Registration, Licensing and Custom Plates.

DPC supported initiatives that plan for the future growth of Victoria, including collaborating with the newly established Land Coordinator General function to deliver infrastructure and integration of transport infrastructure projects, and precinct prioritisation and sequencing.

Supported delivery of the government’s industry and innovation agenda, including support for the newly established state-owned company, Breakthrough Victoria Pty Ltd, which is driving investment in commercialisation and jobs outcomes

In 2022–23 DPC supported the state’s industry and innovation agenda via a range of activities working in close partnership with other departments and state entities. This included:

  • providing advice to Breakthrough Victoria to support its establishment phase and investment readiness, with the company making several key investments into sectors like medical and quantum technologies
  • supporting the organisation and the Premier in Breakthrough Victoria’s operations as a state-owned company, including preparing and tabling its first annual report
  • supporting the transition of Breakthrough Victoria portfolio arrangements, including through updating the organisation’s constitution and statement of principles, and by providing specialist advice to the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions.

Breakthrough Victoria was originally established by DPC in 2021 and reported to the Premier, with the Treasurer the sole shareholder on the state’s behalf. Following machinery of government changes, it now reports to the Minister for Industry and Innovation, with the Treasurer remaining as sole shareholder.

Provided advice to support the efficient operation of markets while maintaining appropriate protections for consumers

DPC has worked with departments to improve the design of government regulation to protect consumers while minimising costs on businesses and the community. In 2022–23 this included implementing support for consumers following the collapse of numerous residential builders, reforms related to domestic building and in response to construction cost pressures and various projects funded through the Regulatory Reform Incentive Fund. DPC continued to support changes to casino regulation in response to the Royal Commission into the Casino Operator and Licence and the wagering and betting licensing process.

Facilitated engagement with international stakeholders in Victoria and overseas, particularly by the Premier and Governor, that promote trade, foreign investment and other priority whole of government objectives

DPC has worked across government in
2022–23 to further Victoria’s international engagement objectives by:

  • supporting whole of government cooperation with key international partners to promote trade, investment and cultural and education ties that benefit Victorians, including by facilitating engagement between international dignitaries and the Premier, Governor and other Victorian leaders
  • collaborating with civil society partners, particularly Asia Society Australia and the Australia-India Institute, to enhance Victoria’s connections to, engagement with and knowledge of Asia
  • supporting foreign investment through the Victorian Jobs and Investment Fund.

Provided advice and coordination of strategic Victorian Government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic at both the state and national levels, including supporting the health system and Victoria’s policy approach to COVID-19 management across departments and agencies

DPC continued to play a key role in providing advice and coordinating strategic responses in the third year of the pandemic, working with departments to clarify roles and responsibilities in moving towards enduring response settings. Support was also provided to the Department of Health to establish a review panel to undertake a legislative review of the pandemic management framework.

DPC has continued to provide advice to government and work closely with the Department of Health on responses needed to support the recovery of Victoria’s health system from the significant disruption caused by the pandemic. This has included supporting oversight of the COVID-19 Catch Up Plan to deliver surgical care for Victorians who had surgery deferred because of the pandemic, as well as investments to improve health system performance including in workforce and infrastructure.

Advocated for Victoria’s interests in intergovernmental fora, including supporting the Premier at National Cabinet

In 2022–23 DPC led advice to the Premier and senior departmental officials to support their participation at National Cabinet and other senior officials’ forums. In the 12-month period, DPC supported Victoria’s engagement with the Commonwealth and jurisdictions at more than 70 intergovernmental meetings.
DPC also provided strategic policy advice and collaborated across government on National Cabinet reform matters and priority agreements including on health, skills, housing and energy, advocating for Victorian priorities and maximising benefits to the Victorian community. DPC co-led work on behalf of the First Secretaries Group for the Improving Care Pathways project and on health system reform, contributed to the review of Australian Federal Relations Architecture, and led reform work on behalf of the Council for the Australian Federation.

In total, DPC helped negotiate more than 30 agreements with the Commonwealth Government including the 12-month Skills Agreement, the Housing Accord and the Energy Bill Relief program.

Ensured strategic decision-makers are supported in their efforts to strengthen the disaster resilience and security of all Victorians, including through implementing the recommendations of state and national reviews and inquiries

In 2022–23 DPC continued to support implementation of reforms across the justice system, including criminalising the public display of Nazi symbols, introducing an affirmative consent model and providing better protections for victim-survivors of sexual offences. DPC also supported development of the government’s response to the Coronial Inquest into the Passing of Veronica Nelson and the Cultural Review of the Adult Custodial Corrections System. DPC has continued to support Victoria’s engagement in the National Redress Scheme for victim-survivors of child sexual abuse.

DPC has continued to support the modernisation of Victoria’s youth justice system by working with the Department of Justice and Community Safety to improve training and pay for custodial staff at Parkville Youth Justice Precinct and prepare for the opening of the state’s new youth justice precinct, Cherry Creek.

The new facility is set to take on the first cohort of young people in August 2023. Likewise, DPC has supported work to deliver modern, accessible court facilities for Victorians, including the new Bendigo Law Courts and Dandenong Children’s Court, which opened in 2023.

Through coordination and collaboration with all Victorian government departments, DPC has continued to strengthen emergency management arrangements and to support a strong reform agenda in response to several reviews and inquiries. These include the Parliamentary Inquiry into the 2022 Victorian floods and the Inspector-General for Emergency Management Review of Victoria’s water safety arrangements, along with supporting further implementation of recommendations from past reviews and inquiries.

DPC also supported decision making at the whole of government level in response to the October 2022 floods. This has enabled the Victorian Government, in collaboration with the Commonwealth Government and local councils, to implement immediate response, relief and early recovery activities for flood-affected people, families and communities.

Further, throughout 2022–23, DPC supported national counter-terrorism reforms through the Australia-New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee. DPC also supported reforms to tackle the early warning signs of radicalisation and violent and extremist behaviour, and the development of a Victorian Government response to the recommendations arising from the Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee’s Inquiry into extremism in Victoria. DPC continued to provide protective security measures for government personnel and its information and physical assets through coordinating VPS personnel vetting and the Member of Parliament Protective Security Program.

Supported the Victorian Government to deliver critical social policy reforms, including Secondary Pathways Reform justice reforms, and implementing Best Start, Best Life reforms alongside the continued rollout of three-year-old kindergarten

DPC continued to play a key role in supporting the design and delivery of major education reforms in 2022–23. In the past year, DPC worked closely with the Department of Education to strengthen the education system, including:

  • continuing the rollout of the Disability Inclusion initiative, which supports students with disability to participate in education on the same basis as their peers
  • continuing the delivery of the Victorian Government’s school capital investment, including delivering 100 new schools by 2026
  • progressing the Senior School Pathways Reform agenda to provide greater vocational and applied learning opportunities for school students.

During 2022–23 DPC continued to inform the design and ongoing implementation of the Best Start, Best Life agenda. This includes making kindergarten free from 2023 and introducing a new year of universal Pre-Prep for four-year-olds. As part of this reform, DPC continued to support the establishment of 50 government-owned and operated Early Learning Centres in areas of unmet demand.

DPC also continued to support the rollout of universal funded three-year-old kindergarten, and in 2023 all services across the state were delivering between five and 15 hours of kindergarten each week.

Supported the ongoing delivery of the Victorian Government’s Big Housing Build to help increase the state’s social housing supply by 10 per cent in four years and support Victorians in need

In 2022–23 DPC continued to support Homes Victoria in delivering the Big Housing Build, including through key governance forums and ongoing engagement in policy reform. DPC co-chaired the Housing Interdepartmental Committee, supporting coordinated discussion of housing policy issues across key Victorian Government departments, and participated in a range of other governance forums across the housing portfolio. DPC will continue to support regular reporting on delivering the Big Housing Build to government, to support appropriate oversight and monitoring of this generational reform to the social and affordable housing system.

DPC supported engagement with the Commonwealth to finalise the National Housing Accord and Social Housing Accelerator Payment to further grow the pipeline of social and affordable housing in Victoria. DPC will continue to support Homes Victoria to deliver Victoria’s targets and commitments under these intergovernmental agreements, including supporting regular reporting to the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments on theprogress of implementation.

Supported the implementation of recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System to deliver a reformed and integrated mental health and wellbeing system with community at its core

In partnership with the Department of Health, DPC has continued to support a coordinated government response to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. In the two years since the final report was tabled, work has begun on more than 90 per cent of the royal commission’s recommendations to set the foundations for Victoria’s future mental health system.

Key achievements in 2022–23 include supporting the introduction of the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 and delivering six new Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals, with planning underway for more Locals across Victoria.

DPC also continues to work with the Department of Health to facilitate government-wide decision making to improve the mental health and wellbeing system, including through the Mental Health and Wellbeing Cabinet Committee, Mental Health and Wellbeing Victorian Secretaries’ Board Committee, Suicide Prevention and Response Victorian Secretaries’ Board Committee and Interdepartmental Committee on Mental Health and Wellbeing Promotion.

Drove co-operative and productive workplace relations in the Victorian public sector by developing and facilitating compliance with the Victorian Government’s industrial relations policy and overseeing the timely and efficient resolution of enterprise bargaining

In 2022–23 DPC provided leadership and industrial relations advice and support on public sector bargaining matters. This included assisting portfolio departments and agencies to finalise approximately 16 new public sector enterprise agreements under the previous wages policy before the caretaker government period began in November 2022. Following the 2022 State Election, DPC worked with the Department of Treasury and Finance to develop and support the implementation of the new wages policy, which was introduced in April 2023.

DPC worked with public service employers and other stakeholders to review, develop and publish 45 common policies to support the consistent application of the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2020, as well as developing a range of other policy guidance material to support the effective administration of the public sector.

Delivered and supported policy and legislative reform that contributes to fair, productive and equitable Victorian workplaces in the private sector, including promoting gender pay equity

DPC continues to advocate for national laws that retain and enhance the strong protections and regulatory frameworks that exist in Victoria. During 2022–23 DPC engaged closely with the Commonwealth Government on proposed national industrial relations reforms and made key submissions, including on:

  • national wage theft laws
  • harmonised labour hire licensing laws (including agreeing to co-chair a national working group with Queensland)
  • gig worker reforms and protections for ‘employee-like’ forms of work
  • other measures including ‘Same job, same pay’, road transport industry minimum standards, unfair contracts and stronger protections against discrimination, adverse action and harassment in workplaces.

DPC has led the development of submissions to other significant legal proceedings and inquiries in the past year, advocating for:

  • increases to the national minimum wage under the Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review process
  • increased protections for casual workers as part of the statutory review of the Fair Work (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Act 2021.

DPC has also contributed to other whole of government submissions, including to the Commonwealth Employment White Paper, advocating for reforms to enhance job security, fair pay and conditions and to reduce the gender pay gap. DPC provided significant support to other government departments on projects including the Sick Pay Guarantee, operation of the Fair Jobs Code and establishment of the Apprenticeships Taskforce.

DPC provided industrial relations support and advice to the Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner following the implementation of the Gender Equality Act 2020.

DPC provides the secretariat for the Equal Workplaces Advisory Council, which advises the Minister for Industrial Relations about initiatives to address the gap in women’s pay and workforce participation. The council worked with the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission to develop and launch a suite of education resources to help small-to-medium enterprises understand equal pay and why it matters.

DPC provides secretariat support to the Building Industry Consultative Council, which advises the Minister for Industrial Relations on economic and industrial relations issues affecting the building and construction industry.

DPC continued to oversee the:

  • implementation of the Women in Construction Strategy 2019–22, which seeks to increase women’s workforce participation in trade and non-trade roles — the strategy sets out a four-year work program with actions at three key points of intervention: attraction, recruitment and retention
  • delivery of the Building Equality Policy, which creates training and employment opportunities for women on government-funded construction projects valued at $20 million or more.

Promoted access to secure, ongoing and meaningful employment for Victorian workers

DPC continued work to implement recommendations of the Report of the Inquiry into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce including:

  • launching the Gig Worker Support Service to assist platform workers and businesses to understand entitlements and obligations, an Australian first of this kind
  • developing and implementing the Fair Conduct and Accountability Standards for platform businesses
  • advocating for improvements to federal laws to better protect gig workers.

Monitored significant public and private sector industrial relations matters and disputes and provided timely and strategic advice to government

DPC continued to work with industry stakeholders and to provide secretariat support to the Transport Industry Council and the Forestry Industry Council. In keeping with the requirements of the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005, and in response to sudden and significant increases in fuel prices, DPC reviewed rates and costs schedules and published revised schedules in August 2022. These rates and costs schedules set minimum rates of pay for tip truck
owner-drivers working on government construction projects.

DPC has continued to work with the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) and VPS employers to implement flexible and hybrid working arrangements that promote inclusivity and diversity and support workforce participation.

Supported industrial relations portfolio agencies and authorities to deliver their legislative obligations, including in relation to wage theft, long service leave, labour hire, child employment and owner-drivers

DPC continued to support the industrial relations portfolio entities — the Wage Inspectorate Victoria, the Portable Long Service Authority and the Labour Hire Licensing Authority — to implement their regulatory responsibilities.

DPC works with the Portable Long Service Authority with respect to its responsibilities and functions under the Long Service Benefits Portability Act 2018. The Act established a portable long service scheme for workers in the community services, contract cleaning and security sectors. To date, more than 3,068 employers and 290,577 workers have registered for the scheme.

During 2022–23 DPC began a review of the portable long service scheme to consider whether the purpose and policy objectives of the Long Service Benefits Portability Actare being met, and a review of the Child Employment Regulations 2014, which sunset in June 2024. The review of the Regulations will ensure alignment with the amendments to the Child Employment Act 2003, with effect from 1 July 2023.

DPC also works with the Labour Hire Licensing Authority, the independent statutory body set up to administer the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018. The Act establishes a labour hire licensing scheme to address exploitation in the labour hire industry. As at 30 June 2023, there were 5,227 labour hire licences in force in Victoria, including 922 licences granted in the period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.

Assisted Victorian workplaces to achieve enduring compliance with Victorian law covering wage theft, child employment, long service leave and contractors in transport and forestry

On 1 July 2021 the Wage Inspectorate Victoria was set up as an independent statutory authority under the Wage Theft Act 2020, which introduced criminal wage theft offences. The new authority also assumed responsibility for administering existing child employment, long service leave and owner-driver and forestry contractor legislation. In its second year of operations as a statutory authority, the Wage Inspectorate’s remit has grown to include promoting and enforcing compliance with the Child Safe Standards by those employers who employ children under the age of 15.

The Wage Inspectorate’s continuing compliance and enforcement work creates strong general deterrence to employer contravention of the laws within the Inspectorate’s remit. In 2022–23 the Wage Inspectorate delivered the following outcomes to ensure productive and prosperous workplaces for all Victorians:

  • protected the safety and welfare of children working in Victoria by administering child employment laws, including assessing and issuing 9,121 child employment permits, conducting 395 child employment investigations and proactive regulatory activities across the state
  • answered 13,248 calls about wage theft, long service leave, child employment and owner-driver laws through its helpline and responded to 1,845 written enquiries
  • finalised 144 long service leave investigations, helping to recover more than $1 million in outstanding long service leave entitlements
  • had 17 matters before a court, including the first criminal wage theft charges laid under the Wage Theft Act, as well as alleged breaches of the Long Service Leave Act and the Child Employment Act, and was successful in securing guilty verdicts against two employers (the remaining matters were still before a court as of 30 June 2023)
  • undertook regulatory responsibilities under the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act, including through proactive auditing activities focused on hirers of owner-drivers and checking compliance with the law for 248 individual drivers
  • continued implementing its
    three-year education strategy to raise awareness of workplace rights and obligations in Victoria and ran two major education campaigns, released educative videos and e-learning modules, engaged more than 200 stakeholders and translated information into
    nine languages.

Supported strong policy outcomes for First Peoples by driving whole of government policy and reform in the Treaty and First Peoples portfolio

In 2022–23 DPC continued to provide strategic social policy advice in Aboriginal affairs across the Victorian Government. This advice included supporting policy that promotes self-determined and equitable outcomes aligned with Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework commitments, treaty processes, responding to the Yoorrook Justice Commission, and commitments under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. DPC also coordinated and advised on best practice engagement with Traditional Owners, whether formally recognised or not, ensuring the rights of Traditional Owners are respected and protected in government reform activities, and assisting Traditional Owner groups to achieve their self-determined aspirations.

Progress towards achieving the objective

The output performance measures that provide information on DPC’s progress in achieving the ‘Strong policy outcomes’ strategic objective are outlined below.

Objective indicator: Advice contributes to the achievement of government policies and priorities relating to economic and social outcomes, emergency management and industrial relations.

Gross state product (real) growth (per cent)(1)per cent0.1– (est.)(2)
Employment growth – Victoria – trend (per cent)(3)per cent3.
Whole of government emergency management forums, meetings and exercises facilitatednumber8021813548
Employers informed on OHS obligations under both state and Commonwealth legislation and regulationsnumber18,2919,37512,63311,012


  1. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2021–22 financial year) Australian National Accounts: State Accounts, ABS website, accessed 6 August 2023.
  2. 2023–24 Victorian Budget Paper No. 2 — Strategy and Outlook.
  3. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022–23 financial year) ‘Table 5: Labour force status by Sex, Victoria’ [time series spreadsheet],Labour Force, Australia, ABS website, accessed 6 August 2023.

More details on DPC’s 2022–23 performance against its output performance measures are provided on pages 49–59.
