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Appendix 1: Budget portfolio outcomes

The budget portfolio outcomes statements provide a comparison between the actual financial information of all general government entities within the portfolio and the forecast financial information published in the State Budget Papers by the Department of Treasury and Finance.

The budget portfolio outcomes statements comprise the comprehensive operating statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity and the administered items statement.

The budget portfolio outcomes statements have been prepared on a consolidated basis and include all general government entities within the portfolio. Consistent with the budget papers, financial transactions and balances are classified into either ‘controlled’ or ‘administered’.

The budget portfolio outcomes statements that follow are not subject to audit by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office.

They are not prepared on the same basis as the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s (DPC) financial statements because they also include the consolidated financial information of the following entities:

  • Victorian Electoral Commission
  • Victorian Public Sector Commission.
