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Administrative offices

Administrative offices are established and abolished through orders under section 11 of the Public Administration Act, and each is established in relation to a department.

DPC is responsible for the effective, efficient and economical management of the following administrative offices.

Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

The Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel transforms policy into legislation, advises the government on its legislative program and drafts legislation for the government and the Parliament of Victoria. The office ensures up-to-date public access to authorised Victorian legislation and is also the Government Printer for Victoria, responsible for publishing legislation.

Office of the Governor

The Office of the Governor supports the Governor of Victoria in carrying out all aspects of their official duties for the benefit of the Victorian community. The office also maintains Government House and grounds as a unique heritage community asset.

The Governor’s role includes constitutional and ceremonial duties, community and international engagement, as well as official municipal and regional visits.
