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McClellan Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

Information on the report findings and recommendations to ensure the protection of children in our care.

Report findings

Please be aware this page may contain material that is confronting and disturbing, and which may cause sadness or distress.

On 15 December 2017 the final report of the McClellan Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was released.

Over the past five years, the Royal Commission has uncovered tragic and widespread abuse of children who were in the care of government and non-government institutions. The response of these institutions suggests that children reporting abuse were not believed and their allegations were ignored.

This is in line with many of the recommendations of Victoria's own Betrayal of Trust Parliamentary Inquiry, the final report of which was tabled in 2013.

As well as making important recommendations for governments and institutions, the McClellan Royal Commission has provided essential support for survivors of abuse in Australia. It has allowed their voice to be heard. We commends the bravery and courage of survivors who shared their personal stories, and thanks the advocates who have worked tirelessly to make sure that abuse of children is brought out into the light.

Now the findings have been delivered, it is up to each government and institution with responsibility for children and young people to ensure that these failures to protect children never happen again.

Our response

As part of a coordinated effort, the Victorian Government is considering each recommendation in full. We are looking in detail at the report's findings to ensure we are able to respond effectively to ensure we protect the children in our care.

The government is leading important work to address some of the key recommendations including:

  • child wellbeing and safety information sharing reforms to protect vulnerable children by simplifying and improving information sharing arrangements between trusted professional entities.
  • continuing to support child safe standards for all Victorian early childhood services and schools, to ensure they are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect.

Programs to support and protect children in our care

National Redress Scheme

The Victorian Government has joined the National Redress Scheme to ensure that people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse receive the recognition, respect and support they deserve.

Child Protection and Child Safe Standards (PROTECT)

The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian early childhood services and schools, to ensure they are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect.

Support services

Support for survivors of past abuse, violence or childhood trauma is available:

Download reports
